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"Aarav they are here!" ~ Came my moms voice through my bedroom door. 

Since we came to Shandi House I've been avoiding people as best as I can, saying I have work to finish before her side family comes. Almost all my family is here for the wedding, everyone is excited to see the girl I'm going to marry. I couldn't bring myself to call off the wedding, after seeing her...I don't want anyone else to have her.

I got off the bed and went downstairs to greet my soon to be in laws. 

I saw her first. Standing in front my grandparents, smiling at them talking about the travel here. I walked up closer and stood next to Dadi(PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER).

"Hey" ~ I said looking directly at her. She looked up at me, and the smile on her face faded away and turned into a look of nervous shock.

What did she think? That I wouldn't be here? I frowned and was going to ask her this but when she saw me frown she looked down immediately.

I want to grab her face and make her look at me.  I want to do a lot more than that but for now, I'll let it be.

I quickly said my greeting to uncle and aunty and everyone else that came. I kept my eye on her the whole time. I can tell she is uncomfortable under my gaze. That turns me on for some reason.

Now that she's here...I can't help but feel the urge to make her mine...completely.

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