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"Daya, if I have to say your name one more time, I am leaving without you!" ~ That was my ever so loving brother, he's 3 years younger than me, but he thinks he's so much more mature.

My name is Daya Chandra. 

I woke up this morning to my brother screaming my name. I shouldn't even bother with an alarm, I wake up pretty much everyday to either the noise of pots clashing and dad yelling at the tv or one of my siblings yelling and screaming.

I got up from my comfortable bed and started to get ready for college, before the twins actually leave me behind. 

The Chandra household is always busy in the mornings, my beautiful mother, Karthika trying to get breakfast ready and get everyone out the door, my handsome father, Rajesh fussing about lost keys and no time, my little brother, Karthik talking on the phone to his friends about some stupid game, and last but not least my bubbly sister, Reshma complaining to mom that I wouldn't give her my clothes to wear to school.

"Daya, come straight home from college, we have guests! Don't go to tutoring today."---my mom said to me as I ran past her to the front door.

"Yes, Amma! Bye!" --- I yelled back as I stepped out the door. 

                                                                                ~later that day~

I went straight home from college as per Ammas instructions. When I got home it smelled like sweets, and my sweet tooth took me straight to the kitchen where my mom was making colorful delicious Indian sweets!

"AMMA! I love you!" --- I exclaimed going towards the sweets all set up on the kitchen island.

"Don't you dare touch! Go shower and get ready, wear a saree Daya" --- said my mom not even turning around from the stove.

"But amma....who did you make all this for if not me? Who is coming that I have to wear a saree? amma, come on let me taste it, i'll tell you if its good or bad..." --- I said drooling over the jalebi's 

"Daya.." --- Ugh that was my moms I'm warning you tone. Defeated, I went to my room, dropped my back bag on the floor and went straight to the bathroom to shower. I loved the feeling of hot water on my skin, steam filling the bathroom, I felt calm and safe. 

"Didi! Amma said to hurry up, they will be here soon!"--- screamed my sister Reshma through the bathroom door.

"Yea! Yea I'm coming!" ~ I quickly got out of the shower, dried myself, and got out of the bathroom in a towel.

"eeewww didi, you have no shame!" ~ I turned to see my sister looking through my drawers and picking out saree's. I gave her a wink and said --- "if you don't wanna be flashed, get out."  ~ she giggled to herself and ran out the room screaming --- "shame shame puppy shame!!"  ~ I couldn't control my laughter, even though she's 19 years old she still acts like a child! I ran to my door and made sure it was locked, and got ready with the saree my sister had picked out for me, a simple blue saree, it was perfect. I let my hair air dry, and put on a little mascara and baby-lips chapstick for my lips, I picked up a necklace and earring set and wore those as well and I was all ready for whoever was coming. I opened my bedroom door, walked down the hall towards the kitchen to my mother, before I reached the kitchen, the doorbell rang. I yelled out that I would get it and ran towards the door.

I opened the door to see a tall handsome man, I was a little taken aback, he looked huge compared to my small fame..I swallowed a big lump in my throat and spoke --- "can I help you?"

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