Ch. 1

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Her eyes are what drew me in, from across that bar, I knew she was eyeing me as soon as I walked in. She had that kind of look that screamed 'I want you'. Maybe she was here for the same reason that I was; sick of the same shit. Need a getaway, an escape route.

Alcohol? Yes. That is a little getaway that takes you from reality to another place for a few hours. It seemed to do me just fine. Every time I need an escape, I come to alcohol, and it hasn't let me down yet.

But not every time I drink alcohol necessarily means I'm needing a getaway. It means a lot of things; depression, I seem to have every fucking day of my life. Tiredness, cause my job seems to kick me in the ass with all the hours I'm putting in. Loneliness, I'm always lonely, but not in a physical form where I need someone.

Maybe that's why I have one night stands.


I woke up feeling out of place.

This bed isn't mine. It doesn't feel as uncomfortable as mine. It has a touch of softness that screams 'stay, don't leave'. I try to adjust my eyes to the brightness of the sun peeking through the blinds. When my eyes finally adjust, I'm able to look around and see exactly where I am.

I take in the unfamiliar room; beige walls, white ceiling, hard wood flooring. The bed is a queen size, no doubt. My bed isn't as big as this one, my bed is a twin size piece of shit.

I sit up and rub my temples. Hangovers are the worst, but I keep drinking because it helps me.

I look down and notice that I'm naked. I try thinking back to what happened last night and a gorgeous blonde pops inside my head. Her green eyes boring into mine as I remember seeing her at the bar last night. I tend to spot a woman who is attractive, strike up a conversation that tends to leave me looking like the perfect woman, then having them drink until they can't stand and taking them to my place.

But none of that happened. She made her way to me and got me so damn drunk, that I ended up at her place.

That has never happened. I am usually very aware of how much alcohol I drink, and how much the woman I am trying to seduce, drinks.

But she beat me at my own game.

I get up and slide my clothes on while remember tiny bits of information I gathered last night.

"Victoria," was her name, her smile was a blessing from God himself. Her teeth were perfect and her body; damn.

She never told me anything else besides her first name. I'm not entirely sure if I even asked her anymore questions.

But at least the sex was good. No, scratch that; great. Even when alcohol seems to blur my visions the next day, it never erases the sex. I can remember that easily, and her? Let's just say, that's the best I've ever had and I had a lot.

Go ahead, call me a whore. I sleep around, so what? It relieves me from my worries and depression that I seem to face daily.

I'm not into relationships. I don't do that, and I have a very believable truth behind that; they scare me. Spend the rest of your life with one person? That's ridiculous. I'd rather sleep with every woman I possibly can, than spend the rest of my life stuck with one woman.

I also don't believe in love. Sex has nothing to do with that, so I don't feel so guilty when I seduce a woman, then leave the next day. I tend to wake up before them so that I can slip out without any consequences.

That's what one night stands are for, right? To get rid of the emptyness you feel and then sleep with someone to relieve that lonliness that is inside of you but you have no idea why?

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