Ch. 5

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"Macy? Macy!" I turn and look at Rachel who stares at me. "What the hell is up with you?"

I rub my eyes, "I don't know what you mean." I haven't slept that much lately and it's really messing up my head. I haven't been getting any work done, and I have already got my ass chewed out from my boss.

I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with me and get out of this slump.

"Something is bothering you, Macy. You can tell me." I look at her as she stares at me. I know she's worried about me, and she wants me to tell her what is wrong, but I don't even know what's wrong. If I knew, I would fix it.

I sigh, "I really don't know what is wrong, Rachel." I sit there and stir my coffee. It's a few minutes until we have to get back to work, and I need to get my shit together before I get chewed out again by the boss again.

"Maybe you need to talk to someone." She reaches across the table and lays her hand on my arm.

I shake my head, "No. I'll figure it out."

"Ok." we sit in silence for a while until she speaks again, "Rebecca said she had a nice time with you that night." I look over at her. I haven't talked to Rebecca ever since that night, I really haven't found any motivation to pick up my phone. I wouldn't mind hanging with her again.

I nod, "Yeah, I had a good time too. She's pretty cool."

"But, not your type, huh?" She crosses her arms on the table and looks at me.

I shake my head, "I'm sorry. I just don't want a relationship." I shrug. I haven't told her about me not going out anymore or sleeping with women. I don't want her to think there's something going on, because I honestly don't know what's going on.

It might have to do with the fact that Victoria keeps invading my mind, and it's keeping me from doing all of that.

I hear Rachel sigh, "I understand. I just wish you could find someone who can change your ways." I watch her as she drinks her coffee and looks around. I understand that she wants me to find someone, but who would want a broken woman? Nobody wanted me in foster care, who would want me now?


Bryan has been getting on my damn nerves all day. He's constantly asking me out over and over again, and I am about two seconds away from stabbing him in the throat.

"One date."

"No." I sort through my papers as he's practically breathing down my neck.

"One date for thirty minutes."

I stop and look up at him, "I wouldn't go on a date with you for five. Leave me alone, Miller." I am so sick of his ass. Why can't security come and take him away? I don't give a shit if he works here or not, he's irratating me.

"You'll go out with me one day." He walks off and I stifle a laugh.

Yeah, in your fucking dreams.

After a few minutes, Rachel makes her way to my desk and lays down more papers. I feel like crying, this is too much.

"The boss wants all of this done by next week."

I look at all the piles of paper, "I couldn't get this all done by next year." I put my head in my hands. This was too much shit. My brain is clouded, and I can't think straight.

"You're just in a fog, you'll get out of it." I look up at her as she pats my shoulder then walks away.

I wish it was that easy, but I don't think I'll ever get out of this slump. I need to find a way to help myself and get me back on track.

But what? Alcohol could help, but it's the week and I can't be drinking. Sleeping with someone could ease my mind, but I can't bring myself up to do it.

Lord, give me strength


After work, I'm sitting by myself in my house once again with nothing to do. I can't go out because I don't have a car, perks of not bringing in enough money to actually own one and I don't believe in renting one or owning a used one. If I buy a car, it is going to be brand fucking new.

I don't have anywhere to go because this shitty ass town is so run-down, it's ridiculous. Plus, nobody ever does anything around here so there's no point in going out.

I only have Rachel has a friend, and she doesn't really like to do that much shit. Her husband is a real protective bitch, and plus, she has a two year old, so she doesn't go out that often.

Our work is in the city, and I could always call a cab or an Uber to come and get me to take me around the city and see the sights, but unfortunately I do not have the energy to get off my ass.

I feel like I am losing my mind from not doing anything anymore.

I grab my laptop to try and get my mind off of shit. I start searching random shit then a thought pops into my brain. At first, I'm a little unsettling about the whole thing, but it wouldn't kill me.

I search Victoria Rose.

A whole lot of shit starts popping up of her. From photography that she does, to gigs and information up to the fucking sky. I search a little deeper to find something I'm not sure if I should search.

I find the information I am seeking, and quickly pull my phone out and dial a number presented on the screen of my laptop.

After a few rings, a woman's voice rings through my ears, "Hello, you've reach Elmer Olsen Model Management, this is Tiffany, how may I assist you?"

"Um, hi, I'm looking for Victoria Rose?"

"Hold on one moment, please."

I wait for a few minutes until she speaks again, "Um, unfortunately Ms. Rose isn't in today, she's in the United States handling some business, would you like her cell number?"

Are you fucking kidding? Who the hell gives out a number of a model?

"Uh, sure yes."

"Ok, one moment." After a few minutes, she comes back on the line, "Here is her number.." I quickly write down the number is giving me then we hang up.

I stare at the number for the longest time thinking to myself. Why the hell did I want her number? Why did I call her agency? What the hell am I doing?

Without giving it much thought, I tend to not do anymore, I dial the number.

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