Ch. 3

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I guess you can say that all one night stands is using the other person for sexual pleasure. But, Victoria is a model. Why the hell was she at a shitty bar drinking shitty alcohol? She was a fucking model who travels the world every fucking day.

I usually don't give a shit about other women when it comes to one night stands, but this particular one, is something that I cannot ignore. I don't know why, but finding out that she's a model and she slept with me then left, kind of turns my gears a little.

I slept with a model. No wonder the sex was amazing.

Sitting here, staring at my TV after that little encounter, I can't help but wonder, why the hell do I care?

It may be the fact that I don't understand any of this. A model, in a run-down shit hole, drinking at a shitty ass bar. It makes no sense.

She can get anybody in the whole world. Why settle for a woman who lives in a shitty neighborhood?

But then again, she doesn't know anything about me. She saw me, then figured that I would be the best woman to fuck. But it still doesn't make sense.

My head is pounding from all of this. Why the hell am I so strung out about all of this? I shouldn't care. It was a one night stand, and I do not, under any circumstances, give a shit about the women I sleep with.

I think I need to sleep this off. I go to my room and lay down. I just need to sleep and everything will be fine tomorrow.


If my work can start at a reasonable time, that'll be great. I'm not a morning person and having to get up at the ass crack of dawn is really doing it's work on me.

I finished getting ready by the time Rachel calls me and tells me that she's on her way to get me. When I hear her car horn outside, I lock the house up and walk out to her car.

When I get in, I instantly think of Victoria and wonder if I should tell Rachel about what I learnt about her.

I watch her as she drives and I get up the courage. "Hey, you remember that woman I slept with?"

She nods and keeps her eyes on the road. "Well, I found out something about her."

She glances at me then back at the road. "What's that?"

"You know Victoria Rose, right? The model?" she nods. "That's her." she slams on breaks and I thank God I had my seatbelt on.

"What?!" she looks at me with her eyes widened. "Are you fucking serious? You slept with a model?"

"I didn't even know she was a model. I didn't know anything about her, I seen her on TV yesterday and all the shit that happened that night came rushing back."

She looks ahead and holds the steering wheel. "This is some crazy shit." I stare at her until she looks at me. "What the hell was a model doing here in a shitty neighborhood in Orlando?"

That was the question I didn't know the answer to. But I will surely find out because my curiosity has reached it's peek, and now the information must come forth.

Oh, boy. What the hell am I getting myself into?


I'm sitting at my desk at work and I can't think. I have piles of paper work covering my desk, and all I'm doing is sitting here like an idiot, spacing out.

Why am I thinking too much about this? Come on, Macy! Get your shit together!

I have slept with women after women for years, and not once have I ever gave them a second thought after a night with them. I have never wanted to know any information about them the way I want to know about Victoria.

What makes her so damn special?

She's a model, what's the big deal? She's seen on cover of magazines, and TV commercials and possibly billboards and other shit. She makes thousands of dollars alone on one modeling gig. She travels the world more than I travel to another town. Why should I care about getting to know her?

I feel like banging my head on the desk. Maybe if I do it enough times, I'll suffer from some kind of head injury and then wake up and forget everything. If only it was that easy.

I look around the office and see everyone working, while I'm sitting here doing absolutely nothing. I look over at Rachel. She's working hard, of course, and I can't help but think that I wish I had her life.

Maybe if I could slow down this one night stand shit, and start focusing on more stuff rather than getting laid when I want to, then I wouldn't be so strung out. But that would mean for me to stop going out to bars, because when I'm in a bar I'm vulnerable. I see one beautiful woman and I'm hooked, line and sinker.

I don't think alcohol will like the idea of me breaking it off. I couldn't imagine my life without alcohol, it's how I cope with a lot of shit.

"Hey babe," I look up at Bryan and instantly roll my eyes. "Aw, don't be like that. I brought you something." I stared at him for a minute until he brought bouquet of flowers from behind his back and handed them to me.

I hesitantly took them and looked them over then I looked up at him. "Dude, you need to stop this shit. I'm gay."

He smiles, "Yeah, I know. But a friend can't bring you flowers?" I roll my eyes. "Ok ok, maybe we can start off as friends then, that sound ok?" I look at him as he grins and I know he's up to something.

But I don't feel like arguing so I just nod and set the flowers on my desk. I watch as he walks away and I look over at Rachel to see her staring at me. I shrug and try to get some work done.


Now Victoria is really on my mind.

I saw a woman in the main lobby of my work with a magazine in her hand, and guess who was front cover?

Victoria Rose.

Now I am seeing her everywhere. I mean, she is a model so I know that she is everywhere, but this is ridiculous.

Rachel grabs my attention and I turn to her. "Are you ok? You're acting weird today." I shake my head as we walk out of the building into the afternoon. There are people leaving the parking lot and they're all in a rush to get the hell out of here. "Is it Victoria?" I look back at her and instantly know that she can read minds.

"I guess, I don't know. I don't understand what makes her different than the rest." I just don't understand. It makes no sense.

"It's called curiosity," wow thank you Rachel for that definition.

I roll my eyes. "I know what curiosity means." she chuckles as we make our way through the parking lot, trying not to get hit by a car.

"I wasn't saying that because I was giving you a vocabulary lesson, I was saying that you've reached the point in life where you're curious about a particular person." I stare at her, trying to understand what the hell just came out of her mouth. She smiles at my dumbfounded expression, "You sleep around with so many woman, and not once have you stopped to think about one woman who stands out amongst the rest, but now you are."

Ok? So what? That doesn't mean I want every detail about her. Although the thought is present.

I shake my head, "No. I don't care. I was just saying how every fucking where I go, I see her face. It's annoying." I make it to her car and stand at the passenger door, waiting for her to unlock it.

She looks at me from the other side of the car. "Macy," I don't want to hear it. I look around and try to drown out her voice, but one word grabs my attention back to her. "You might have caught some feelings."

One Night Stand (Lesbian) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now