Ch.1 Not alone

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Book 8 is finally here! And as you may know from the last book, Mira's evil self is not entirely destroyed, and she's planning on making everyone's life a living hell. But as always, our heroes know what to do. So without further or do, enjoy book 8 of "Once Upon a Time: Ever After High"!

(Many years ago in Agrabah) Galloping on his horse across the Arabian desert, a messenger hurried across the sand while trying flee from the sorcerer that was after him on his flying carpet. The messenger hurried as fast as he could as he ducked from a red bolt that was zapped at him from the sorcerer, when he suddenly came upon a little home.

"He's coming!" he yelled "We need your help!"

Inside, a man wearing a cloak was laying down on a mat on the ground with a nurse girl next to him just as the messenger walked in.

"Please" he said to the man "Our kingdom is in great danger, we need the savior."

The mad didn't say anything as he looked at his hand that was shaking.

"I'm sorry" the girl said "He's not seeing anyone today."

"What's wrong with him?"

But before she could answer, a gust of wind was blown inside as they turned to see a golden serpent staff being held by the sorcerer as he walked in.

"Jafar" the messenger begged just as Jafar used his powers to turn him into a pule of ashes that was now on the ground.

"Pathetic" the sorcerer frowned as he turned to the man "The great savior hiding, this is a sad day indeed."

"Please" the girl started to beg when Jafar used his powers to slam her into the wall as she fall on the bed unconscious.

"I heard but I had to come see for myself" Jafar said just as the man started to get up "Look at the great man now."

The man looked up and made eye contact with the sorcerer.

"If you're gonna kill me" he mumbled "Just get it over with."

Jafar gave a small smile.

"No" he said "Not a chance, I want to savor this. Do you remember when we first met? You were nothing but a common thief. But you had honor, despite what you did to me. It took becoming a hero for you to completely come apart, but that's what always happen to saviors."

"Why are you doing this?" the man mumbled.

"Oh I'm not doing anything, it's the fate of saviors, to give and give and to give for what? They give the fruits, they break the branches, and all that's left it this, shaking hands. That's why you never hear these words about a savior, they live happily ever after."

And with that Jafar gave a chuckle as he started to head out.

"Do take care Aladdin" he said as he left the man alone.

Now alone, Aladdin turned his hand that was starting to shake again, knowing that his fate as the savior was soon to come.

(Present day) In a mysterious town called Storybrooke Maine, a place with all the children of fairytale characters were cursed into from their land and into the real world, inside a house, a high school girl with long dark hair placed a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of a guy with stubborn brown hair and black glasses that block his charming blue eyes.

"So where's Olivia?" the guy who's name was Terrence Kenneth, also known as Dexter Charming, son of King Charming asked his girlfriend.

"She's hanging out with Hailee today" the girl who's name was Elena Jensen, also known as Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen replied with a smile.

"So we're alone?" he smiled.

"You bet" she smiled as she joined him on the couch where she snuggled against him as he put his arm around her.

"This is great" he smiled "We barely had any alone time."

"Yeah" she agreed "Since there's no more problems, we can sit back and relax."

But all of a sudden they felt the ground began to shake, they watched in confusion as the popcorn bowl shook from the vibration.

"What the hell?" Elena said confused as they got up and ran outside to see what was happening.

There they couldn't believe their eyes when they saw what appeared to be a steampunk looking blimp flying above the house.

There they couldn't believe their eyes when they saw what appeared to be a steampunk looking blimp flying above the house

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"Well this is new" Terrence said surprised.

After gathering their friends, they followed the blimp towards the woods where they all stood in an empty field and watched it fly into the woods.

"What the hell is that?" Terrence's brother Aidan, also known as Daring Charming asked with a wondering look.

"It's a blimp from the Land of Untold Stories" Dr. Jekyll said with a surprised look.

"What's it doing in our town?" Aidan and Terrence's sister Darling Charming asked.

"I believe you mean my town" a deep British voice suddenly said as everyone turned to see Mr. Hyde as they all gave mad looks.

"This is not your town" Olivia declared.

"Blame the Dark One" he smirked "He gave it to me. Now if you would excuse me, I must prepare for my friends who have arrived."

As he started to head off, Elena felt her blood boil as she blasted her magic at him. But when it hit it, it did no damage to him.

"Nice try Ms. Queen" he smirked "And a word of advice to you all, do be careful, nothings more dangerous than an untold story, and people who don't want them told."

All of a sudden a loud rumble was heard as everyone looked up to see that the blimp was heading down into the woods as it suddenly crashed down. And by the time everyone made it to the scene, the blimp was destroyed and strange items were scattered across the ground. Everyone then started to look around for any survivors.

"There's no one in here!" Elena called from the blimp.

"Where is everyone?" Aidan asked.

"Somewhere in the forest" Darling said as she looked down to see multiple footprints in the mud "It's hard to tell how many there are. But by the spacing of their steps they were running, and now they're out there scattered. What does Hyde want with them?"

"It's hard to tell" Dr. Jekyll said "But depending on who he brought, their stories could cause complete chaos."

"Well that's great" Mira Queen said with sarcasm.

Just then, when Aidan kicked a stone against a shield, Elena turned to it when she suddenly got a vision of what appeared to be her fighting someone with a sword. When the vision went away, she bent over as her hand started to shake, not knowing what's happening.

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