Ch.24 Duplicate

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(Flashback) The day after Miranda's party, Jackson was heading down the hall of his mansion as he thought about the kiss he shared with Miranda last night. And every time he thought about it, the more he felt his heart beat with joy, knowing that he finally found someone who likes him for who he is. But as he walking, he suddenly heard voices near the front door as he peeked behind a wall to see his father talking to a man he's never seen before.

But as he heard them talk, he heard Miranda's name which made him concern on why they would talk about her.

"She's dead?" Jekyll suddenly gasped.

At that point Jackson felt his heart drop and his stomach turn as he came out from hiding.

"What?!" he gasped with shock.

Jekyll and the stranger turned to him with their eyes widen.

"Miranda's dead?" Jackson gasped "How?"

"Um-" Jekyll said with a nervous look "It was an accident, but she took a sip of a drink not knowing it was poisoned."

Jackson felt that his world had tumbled down as he ran away and into his room where he collapsed on his bed and felt tears pour out as his heart that was once happy was now broken.

"Jackson" Jekyll knocked on the door as he stepped inside.

Jackson wiped his tears away as he gave a sniff.

"My only friend is gone" he sniffed.

"Look" Jekyll sighed sadly "I am so sorry this had to happen, I knew how much you liked her."

"She was the only one who liked me for me" Jackson sniffed.

"That's not true."

"You and mom don't count" he snapped "I never had an actually friend my my whole life, and Miranda was the only friend I ever had, and now she's gone!"

Jekyll gave a sad look as he watched his sad sat there in misery.

"Why does everything bad happen to me?" Jackson sighed "Just why?"

"Look" Jekyll sighed "I'll let you be alone, but just to let you know, the new school you're going to is said to accept everyone for who they are, freaky flaws and stuff, and I know that you'll find friends there, I promise you that."

"I doubt it" Jackson doubted with a frown.

"I'm sorry Jackson" Jekyll sighed "I really am."

Jackson just gave another sniff as Jekyll was about to head out when Jackson spoke up.

"Who's that man you were talking to?" he asked with a mumble.

"Dr. Frankenstein" Jekyll replied "He uh, got permission to use Miranda's heart for another experiment, and he was wanted to know if I can help."

"Let me guess" Jackson sighed "He's going to build another monster?"

"Well technically, a child for his monsters, and hey, maybe this child will be at Monster High with you. Maybe you can be friends."

"If they want to be my friend" Jackson doubted.

"Well-" Jekyll sighed "I don't think I'm going to help him. And uh, I'll leave you alone now."

And with that he left the room leaving Jackson alone as he thought about his life, now that his only friend was gone, he began to wonder if he'll ever find a friend at Monster High.

Now inside the school, Gigi and Whisp looked around for the Wonderlandians, hoping that they will be able to help them.

"You see them?" Whisp asked.

"No" Gigi said with disappointment "It's so crowed in here, if Alistair was still my master it would of been easier to locate him."

"Well maybe they're-".

"Wait" Gigi cut in as she spotted someone through the crowd that made her smile "I see him."

Across the hall, Brenden had finished the last sip of his smoothie as he tossed it into a trash can.

"Alistair!" he suddenly heard a familiar voice call his name as he turned around and saw Gigi running towards him.

"Gigi?" he gasped with his eyes widen.

"Hey!" she smiled.

"Gigi!" he exclaimed as she ran up to him and into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised when they pulled away "And why do you look different?"

"Whisp and I needed to blend in" she answered.

"Whisp is here too?" he gasped.

"Hey" Whisp appeared behind Gigi.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked still surprised.

"We uh, kinda came here to look for Aladdin" Gigi said.

"Aladdin? He's missing?"

"Apparently so" Whisp said "And we have a strong feeling that he's here."

"What makes you say that?"

"It's kinda complicated, but the main thing, Jasmine is here with us too, and we promised we'd help her find Aladdin."

"She's working as a teacher's aid at this school-" Gigi put in "So-".

"Wait" Brenden cut in "Teacher's aid? Is her fake name by any chance Sharlene?"

"You know her?" Gigi said surprised.

"She's a teacher's aid for my mom."

"Really?" they said surprised.

"Yeah, you want me to take you to her?"

"Sure that'll be great" Whisp smiled.

"And I'll take you to the others too" he added as they headed down the hall.


At Lakeside Mansion, Danny made his way inside where he went into the lounge.

"It's about time you're in" he looked up and was shocked to see Mira's evil self sitting in a couch chair.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"I want to talk about my daughter" she replied with a sneaky smile.

"You know I can't reveal anything to you" he frowned.

"Oh I think you will" she smirked as she got up and headed towards him "You see Daniel, Mr. Hyde told me that this Destiny girl gave my daughter visions of her future. Now I tried to find Destiny, but she doesn't want to be seen by me."

"So what's your point?"

"Well, since she's not willing to talk to me, I need information and you Mr Wizard in Training are my only source."

At that point Danny tried to run, but she used her powers to shut the door and lock it.

"If it makes you feel any better-" she put in "I can give you your full powers, so you wont have to keep training, but only if you help me."

Danny looked her straight in the eye with a mad look.

"No" he answered.

"Alright then, you leave me no choice."

And with that she used her powers to transform herself into a duplicate of Danny.

"If you wont tell me about Elena's vision" she said with a sneaky smile "Then I'll just ask her myself."

Danny stood there with shock as he looked at his duplicate, knowing that things weren't going to go well.

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