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      "Aye look I know what we can do tonight. The spot is always available, and you know we can go pick up the girls and swing through and see what's up tonight." I say laying across my sisters bed. She wanted to go out. It was a Saturday night and we honestly didn't have anything to do, but get into something. "I heard there was a party tonight. I mean it's my first day off in weeks and I wanna do something. I never get to do anything." She complained holding a blue v-neck to her chest gazing in the mirror. She typically doesn't get out much. Working at the hospital by day and the club by night, Angel was pretty much booked, but tonight she was determined to see a little action, and I don't blame her. I mean beside the perks of her getting me and my girls into the club for free and free drinks, Angel and I never hang and tonight we planned to get into some shit...

     She disappeared into her closet of clothes searching for something decent to wear, and I pulled my phone out my pocket to text a couple of heads to see what everyone was doing. Shanny was baby sitting them bad ass kids she calls brothers and sisters tonight, and Auja was out of town. Nikko was hitting up the spot tonight and he offered to take us there, but the thing with Nikko is, he don't do stuff just to be nice. He want something. "What you want Nikko?" I asked him. Rolling my eyes as his deep voice seeped through the phone. "Come on bae, stop playing. You know what I want and you refuse to give it to me." He responded. Nikko been tryna get me since ninth grade, before he dropped out. He always used to tell me that I was the only girl he wanted, and that he wanted to wife me. The lies he told, and the crazy thing is, he don' told me this so many times that I almost believed it the millionth time he said it to me. Every party, every outing, every event he managed to be there at the right place at the right time, to either pick me up when my boyfriend was acting dumb, or be there when a situation was too awkward to be in alone. I knew he didn't mean any harm, but the life he was living was crazy. It's sad to say but at his rate it was only a matter of time before he ended up dead somewhere.

     "Look Nikko we'll find a way down there okay. Thanks anyway." I say about to hang up the phone. "Naw Kennia, I got you just let me know when ya'll need me to be there." He said before giving me a long sigh. I smile to myself and say thank you lightly before pressing end on the phone. Just then Angel walked out with a black dress wrapped in her arm. "What he say?" She asked. "He said just call him when we're ready to go." I return getting up about to find clothes for my damn self. I was feeling a little patriotic and decided to throw on a American Flag muscle shirt, some ripped blue jeans with the flag on the pockets  and some red vans. I threw my hair up in a high pony tail and pulled a Ralph Lauren cap over my head and called it a day. No purse, no need phone on one pocket keys and knife in the other. Nuff' Said.

    My sister on the other hand wanted to get cute for these niggas. She had a short tight black dress, on with a diamond brass knuckle clutch and some bright pink low top oxfords. She wand curled her hair and did her make up nice. I laughed a little as we sat outside waiting for Nikko. Ma' asked where we was going, but she knew of course it was the same deal every Saturday. It was for me at least. She told us the same thing she always told us. Be safe, be careful and kick em in the balls. She kissed our foreheads and told us don't be late and nine times out of ten we we're always late. 

   Once Nikko pulled up in the Caddie and we walked towards the car and Nikko got out to open the doors for us. He smirked at me and it wasn't long before Angle bud in saying that I should stop playing and just fuck with Nikko. "Right!" Nikko said in agreement. "Your my sister, your supposed to be on my side." I say laughing. She laughed as well saying that she only sides with what she know is right, and apparently Nikko was right and I was wrong for not giving him a chance. It's not that Nikko was ugly, he was very attractive. Brownskin smooth as hell. Good hair, he had to be mixed. He always said Cherokee but no one ever believed it. He had a nice smile and pretty eyes. They were a semi light brown, but yellowed over the years from smoking. He had a nice body, tattoos everywhere from what my eyes could see, and over all he was respectful, but he had his moments. In and out of jail, too many females. Like three baby moms, and some of the things he did was a turn off. he said he's trying to do better, but I haven't seen much of a change. 

  The rest of the ride was silent and once we arrived. Angel damned rolled out the car before it was parked to go see what everyone was doing. The spot was where everyone typically went to get away. Do drugs, drink bottles and do shit they know they weren't supposed to do. Normally I would turn up, but tonight something told me to chill. After Nikko parked I had my hand on the door and he pulled me back. "Aye Kennia look here." He said looking at me. I stopped and sat back down in the seat. "What Nikko?" I asked him, not even trying to have an attitude. "Why don't you wanna fuck with me? I mean I could really treat you right. And I'm not tryna' be on no fuck boy shit I can really do you right, I know you want a man you can call your own and I'm trying to be that for you." He said to me still holding on to my hand. I seen it in his eyes. He was genuine and he leaned in closer near my neck and lightly kissed it. He sucked on my collar bone and worked his way up to my lips. The kiss was sensational, but I wasn't ready. I pushed him back shaking my head. "Nikko I can't do this right now. Can we do this another time really." I said trying as quickly as possible to get out his car. I caught up with my sister who was flirting with Big Rich from up the way. I stood close by and despite everything that just happened with Nikko and I, things were going okay. 

    That is until some females that nobody really likes came with a group of guys who get just the same reaction. I knew some shit would get started and honestly for all the bullshit that was about to go down I could go back to Nikko's and smoke for the rest of the night. He'll take us home and we'll be cool, but things never go down the way you plan huh? That night my life changed forever. Three gun shots ended it all. My sister and Nikko got laid out that night and I was left with their blood on my hands screaming for help. Too cold, my body went numb and it felt like a life time before anyone showed up and sure enough the cops tell me it'll be fine, then question me like I knew who did it. I mean I had an idea, but they don't need that information, I could handle it myself. The first time me and my sister go out, and the first time I actually thought about giving Nikko a chance was the day it all came crashing down around me.....


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