Twenty-Four: The Truth..

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"So everything looks pretty good in there. You are a healthy young woman and the fetus is looking ok." The doctor said to me. August was next to me holding my hand and kissing it. "Oh my gosh.. We're having a baby August. I can't believe it. Something is in there." I said smiling up at him. He smiled at me telling me that he was excited more than anything in the world. The doctor had left the room and gave me and August some time alone. "So house hunting starts this weekend and I will be there." He said. "Cool, that's great.. Hey look Aug I've been meaning to talk to you. It's about- His phone went off interrupting me. He got up and excused himself to answer it. When he came back in the room I was getting up and heading towards the door. We walked out and went to the parking lot to get to the car. We got in and got situated. "So Aug, baby."  "I'm sorry K that was management, but what did you have to tell me?" He asked. I sighed and before talking I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It felt like a little cramp. 

  "Ole..' "You ok?" He asked. "Yea i'll be fine babe just get me home please." I said with a weak laugh. He drove off and when we made it back to his house I walked upstairs and went right to sleep. Hours later I woke up to screaming downstairs. I got up slowly and made my way down to the living room where my mom, his mom and my dad all stood around. "What the fuck are you trying to tell me. This my daddy? Huh!! This nigga right here my GODDAMN DAD!!!!" I heard him scream. I sat at the steps wondering what the hell was going on. I walk down into the living room with my hands folded, wondering when someone was going to notice. August continued to scream and shout like it was the end of the world while his mother cried. "What the fuck is going on down here?? Who is who's father?" I asked. "Baby, hey listen to me.." My dad said coming near me. "Naw Keenian tell her the mutha'fuckin truth. Tell her what you just got done tellin me!" August shouted again. My dad came closer and tried to speak, clearly thinking of the right words to say.

   "Kennia, your whole life you grew up knowing that I was your father. And I'v loved you like you were my own child, but baby. Your mother adopted you when you were first born, because after Angel we tried and tried so hard to have more kids, but your mother couldn't bare them. August is my boy, but I helped raise Mel, because his father wasn't always around, but after August was born I had left and never really looked back. I've always watched over him and Mel, and when I found out Mel had got killed I was ready to break out of jail just to protect my own son. August is like me in more ways than one." "Hold the fuck up, your telling me that August is your biological son and I'm your adopted daughter?" I questioned. My mom shook her head. "Did you know about this ma?" I asked. "No.. I knew he had been in and out of New Orleans due to some work he was doing, but I never knew about his affair. And when I first met August I thought to myself, he looks so much like Keenian, but I never thought too much about it. Baby I hope your not hurt." She said coming and wrapping her arms around me, but more than anything I was at a loss for words, I didn't know if I should be mad, or happy, or sad, or anything. While this moment was happening I heard three knocks at the door. August's mom went to open it, and it was Chris and Seyven asking to chill.

  "Oh so this the bitch that was tryna be all over you at the club. This horse mouth looking ass hoe right t here!" I said laughing. Everything was at a stand still and though I knew she couldn't compete I figured it'd be nice to fuck with her anyway, just cause she thought it was cool to show up at the crib, number one and unannounced number two. All this drama, going on at once, my mind was truly everywhere. August grabbed his keys and left. My dad.. I mean Keenian tried to go after him. "No don't just let him go. He'll be fine." I said to him. He looked sad and overall I think I felt bad for him.. I felt bad for everyone. Where do we go from here??

                                               TO BE CONTINUED....

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