Chapter Seven: The Love We Make

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For the next few weeks this is what is was. Sex, over and over and over. And even when we were finished and I thought I had enough I didn't. I only wanted more. I was extremely addicted and so was he. At the studio, in his car, at his house. In the back of the clubs, in my dorm when Shanny was gone. All the time, everywhere. Sparks were flying over us, and we were both loving every moment of it. I knew that I would like him, but not this much. There were days when he was out of town working, and we would face time, and that was just as good as the real thing. I mean we were like rabbits, fuckin everywhere. I think Shanny had enough the night she heard me moaning on the phone, but what could I say. August was a fine as man and he pleased me mentally physically, and emotionally. It didn't get any better than that.

   "Baby where you at?" I heard his voice say through the phone. "I'm in class I'm done in like fifteen minutes." I whispered. "Aite I'm outside okay, I got something for you baby." He said. "Okay I'll be out soon." I say ending the call. My professor continued to speak about what the assignment was. I think beside my relationship with August school was going really well. I aced damn near every exam, test, and quiz that my teachers threw at me. It was close to Christmas break, and my birthday, so I was going home for a while. Auja was flying in from New York and my mother couldn't wait to see us. By the time I was finished with class August had already been outside waiting for me with something in his hand. I walk down the pathway to where he was standing. I come in closer and he kissed my lips, and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey beautiful." He said as he embraced me. "Hey how you doin'?" I return. "Good, I better now that your hear." He said kissing me again. I let out a laugh and we walk over to his car. He held a gift in his hand and when he seen me looking at it, he smiled. "I bet your wondering what this is huh?" I nodded my head smiling at him. He shook his head no and placed it in the back seat. "No Auggy, what's in the box?" I asked. He looked over at me. "Now what I tell you bout the calling me that?" He asked. I looked at him and scooted closer, rubbing a finger down his leg. "Baby why won't you tell me what's in the box?" I asked poking my lip out. I traced along the fabric of his jeans and found his dick on full salute. "Come on now not in the car." He said trying to move my hand away. "It never stopped you before. Tell me what's in the gift box." I said in more of a demanding tone, all while unzipping his pants. I massaged his hard on through his boxers and I seen him get a little comfortable. I leaned over and lightly bit his ear and kissed his neck.

  "Auggy, please tell me, I mean what's the secret for?" I asked biting his bottom lip as he drove. He tried his best to ignore me, but I knew he couldn't. resist much longer. "Kennia stop it." He said breathless. I smirked against his cheek and I lowered my head, near his pants and pulled his dick out. "Ain't this what you want? You want me to please my daddy huh?" I asked, He kissed my head and told me to do what ever I wanted to do, but he wasn't gonna give me the gift box. I had my ways of changing his mind, and ten minutes later and a cum shot on the steering wheel gave me access to what was in the box. It was a bracelet. Gold tennis bracelet with a heart with my name and birthday engraved on it. I looked over at him and smiled, and at a red light he put it on for me. "It was supposed to be for your birthday. I was gonna go home for a little bit just to see the family, but I wanted to spend Christmas and New Years with my girl. I love you K, and you know it's hard for me to love, and trust these bitches out here, but you proved to me the day I met you, that you was down for me. You spend your time finding ways to make me happy. And I wanna spend the rest of my life doing the same for you." He said. I damn near cried I never heard him speak like this to me. He said I love you... Damn shit was getting real..

  We went back to his house, and he made some arrangements at a restaurant for the night. Although I enjoyed going out with him, tonight I just wanted to stay in. At first he was a little taken back by it, but he understood. With everything that has been going on with school honestly I just wanted to chill. So we rented some movies and bought a lot of snacks and junk food and just sat in the house. Closed the curtains, and turned out the lights. Made a giant fort of covers in his living room in front of the t.v. and chilled. He held me close and was humming in my ear. I wanted to ask him about his brother, but I didn't want him to relive or go back on some things that may be too much for him, but just as I was about to ask him, he asked me about my sister. 

  My heart sank into my stomach and I got a lump in my throat. I haven't talked about her or Nikko since  the first night August and I chilled. I told him it was too much to think about and he left the topic alone, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. And if he plans on coming home with me, then I'll have no choice but to talk about it. I closed my eyes and cleared my throat the best I could before I spoke. "Um, well what do you wanna know?" I asked. "Were you close to her?" He questioned. "Yea we were really close actually, and she was an amazing person. We had our moments you know her mouth was slick as hell, but I couldn't be mad, I'm still the same way...She.. August I don't want to talk about this right now. Please don't do this to me." I pleaded. he kissed my forehead and shook his head ok. Honestly he was the only one who understood the pain I felt everyday. He went through the same thing, and is still going through it. It doesn't get easier, and he tells me that everyday. He knows it bothers me, but he also knows I will never talk about it, unless someone asks, and as you can see even then I won't speak on it, and that's the way I like it. 

  We grew tired and didn't even have plans to do anything extra tonight. he climbed in the bed next to me and held on tight. He was a spooning kind of guy and he cuddled like it was a job. I felt safe in his arms, and normally when I sleep with him, I'm not trippin in my sleep, but not tonight. My mind took me away, and took me back to the night they died. Every time it's the same dream, the three shots ring my head and just before that third shot hits Angel I feel like something was holding me back, I couldn't get to her as if someone was holding me back. This time I look around and take a good look at the guy holding the gun. My eyes widen because I've seen him before. By then I know I've woken August up with my screaming. I had no control over that, but my air ways were blocked and I couldn't breath. I was gasping for air, and trying my best to wake myself up.

 "Kennia, baby wake up it's just a dream! It's just a dream!" I heard him say faintly. I was holding Angels head in my lap praying to God that she would wake up, but she never did. She never does, and the mutha'fucka that took her life gotta pay. I never felt so spiteful, but that's because I didn't know who did it. But for the fisrt time I see his face. A face all too familiar...

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