Chapter Twenty-Six: Dinner Time

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   "So Actually I wanted to get to maybe a few venues, but I was thinking an outside wedding." I said into the phone. I was speaking with a wedding planner nearly all morning trying to get an idea of what I wanted. August had left about a week ago, with his new dad and they weren't set to come home until later on tonight. He wanted to have a dinner with the family, and dad wanted us to meet his new girlfriend. I personally didn't want to go, because I know mom's not going to like it, but it was for August's sake so I agreed. 

   I made some more phone calls to some places and began planning for other things. Going on three months and getting bigger by the second. It was going to be soon that I find out what I'll be having. I called August and just as I dialed his phone the front door flew open. I sat on the couch in some sweat pants and a cami with my legs on a pretzel on the computer. Completely comfortable. He came in making so much noise though. He walked over taking his jacket off and laying next to me. "What you doing baby?" He asked. "Um just some wedding planning and calling mom for this dinner tomorrow night. How was your little father son weekend?" I asked. "You know it was cool, we chilled, talked about some things, and you know.." He said looking up at me. I smiled at him as he got up to go put his things away. Eventually I made my way up the steps, and some how the night went from good to bad to worse. 

  "August how the hell could you say that to me!" I said walking towards the bathroom. I heard him talking on the phone. I came over to hold him and something pissed him off. Some words were said. Specifically about me having this baby. "So you don't want this baby?" I asked feeling the tears building. "No baby, no I didn't mean to say that, of course I want- "You know what August I know what you wanna do, I knew you weren't ready. I can't believe you just said that to me. You got me sitting at home all pregnant and shit while you run around in different cities doing God know's what with these bitches!" I yelled. He tried to grab my hand, and I pushed him away from me going towards the bathroom with tears pouring down my face. "You know what August just do me a favor and go, okay we both know where you wanna be. Out drinking and different girls, what guy your age would want to give up that life style. Live your life please... please." I sniffed closing the door. I slid down the bathroom door and cried. 

   For hours I sat in there. My eyes were puffy and my nose was clogged from all the crying. I didn't hear much movement so I assumed August left. But just as I was opening the door, I heard him say something. "Kennia, baby please open the door and talk to me." He said. "No August I don't want to talk to you. Please go away, this bathroom floor is uncomfortable and I want to get in my bed." I said. "Then open the door and get in the bed with me." He said. "No you go sleep on the couch." I insisted. "If I agree to sleep on the couch will you open the door?" He asked. "Yes, I will." I said. Moments later I hear him stand up and move away from the door. I struggle to get to my feet and once I do I open the door and it looked like August had been crying too. He rushed to me and kissed me. I pushed him away and told him to grab some covers so that he won't be cold. "You know I didn't mean what I said to you Kennia I would never want you to think that I don't want our child. Your not pregnant, we are. That baby has a piece of me and a piece of you and you won't go through this alone." He said. "Yea you say that, but then you'll get mad and take it out on me and say things you don't mean. I'll have the baby and you'll be on the road barely here and August the further along I get the more I regret this. We are having a child August a baby. You have to understand that. This is nothing to play with." I said opening the door for him.

  He grabbed some covers and walked down stairs. "I love you K." He said. "I love you too." I said closing the door. I laid down in the bed and tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't. August came up and laid next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and relaxed. He didn't say anything though I don't think he needed to. I hope that for the sake of this baby that we can stay clear and level minded, because we were so much alike that we clashed all the time and when we did it was dangerous. Soon I drifted away and the next morning I got up to get the day started. I had a doctor's appointment next month to see what's going on inside this tummy of mine. I went downstairs and seen August pacing around in the kitchen. It smelled good through the house and I knew he cooked breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and sat down on the chair. I looked at him and he smiled setting a plate in front of me.

   He placed the food one by one on my plate. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, potatoes, orange juice grits in a bowl. I grabbed my fork and began eating before he even finished plating things. He laughed at me while kissing my forehead. "My fat fats." He said. "So babe.. I called a few cake makers for some ideas and I'm gonna go visit them soon. Shanny, and my mom's gonna come too." I said with a mouth full of food. "Ok cool yea I'll be there of course." He said sitting next to me. We ate in silence for the most part, but after that we found ourselves upstairs getting ready for the day. August had a few things to do but after he wanted to just go out. We went shopping and people were out snapping pictures of us.  We were in stores looking at baby clothes, somehow we made our way to that section. I showed him some pretty boy booties they were so tiny. I wanted a boy, I think he wanted a girl, I could tell by the way he was looking at dresses and everything pink. I thought it was cute. 

  Later Keenian came over and him and August were goofing off. They are related fo'sho' they act just alike. "Look K, when we was at the club Keenian was getting a dance and his dick got hard right. He was like no Viagra for me." August yelled laughing at Keenian. He laughed too and I just sat looking at them like they were stupid. We sat down and killed some time by just enjoying each other. Shanny and my mom was on their way and we were going to have that dinner that August planned. He had a chef in the kitchen cooking and preparing, this should be fun..

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