Chapter Twenty: Oh Shit..

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       I had been standing on the balcony for almost an hour just looking out into the city. The cool air hit my face and chilled my body a little. My one knee had been close to my face, acting as a support for my chin. I played with my bottom lip just looking. Thinking about.... everything. My life has changed so much in a such little time, and I don't know if I should embrace it, or run from it. I've been challenged, tested mentally and physically. I've become a woman that I never thought I'd  be. A part of me loves it, but the other part sometimes wishes this didn't happen. What if I didn't go to Spellman, and didn't meet August. What would my life be like then? I question some times. I guess I had been so wrapped up into my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed August standing in the frame of the door with no shirt on. "Can I have my shirt back or naw?" He asked smiling at me. "Or naw haha." I reply laughing. He came out and picked me up. He sat down and placed me on his lap.

    "What's going on baby? What's on your mind?" He asked. I smiled rolling my eyes looking back out into the city. "Nothing August, I'm just glad that I'm here. You hungry?" I asked. He looked at me with a side aye and began laughing at me. "No greedy, I'm not hungry. It's almost five in the morning, nothing could possibly be open at this time, what you got a taste for?" He asked. "Ice cream. I want some really good ice cream with crazy toppings or something." I said looking at him. I turned around and put my legs on either side of him. I put my arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes. "Now, come on girl don't be on me like that. I know I'm hot stuff, but I'm taken baby. I got a fiance." He said laughing. "Ha shut up ha." I said kissing him. "Can you please want some ice cream inside. It's cold as hell out here for real, I mean damn and shit I know ya pussy cold, and ya nipples hard all you got on is a shirt." He said trying to peak inside my shirt. "Boy will you stop it. Come on boo." I said getting up and walking inside. He smacked my ass on the way in and tackled me to the bed. "Auggy your such a kid, move your little bony ass is heavy as hell." I shout laughing. He got up looking at me wide eyed. "I know you ain't talking about heavy. Ya ass-' I smacked him in his forehead. "Ouch girl come on you know my head is sensitive." He said rubbing it. I looked at him cracking up. "Well don't talk shit about my weight." I said.

    As we wrestled and played my phone went off. I looked over at the nightstand taking it off the charger. It was my mom. "Hello, Ma what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing baby, I'm fine I just.. I just got a phone call from your father.. He's had a court date a few weeks ago, and.. They're releasing him today."She said into the phone. She sounds like she's been up all night and stressing. "Hey ma look relax ok everything is going to be fine. Aight dad is gonna be fine. He still has that apartment on the east side of town. He can come over to visit, but you don't have to deal with him" I reassured her. I know my mom and dad have been done a very long time, and all he gives her is a headache. "I know, but come on girl you know your dad." She said. "Only from what I remember and from some letters you never wanted me to read." I said laughing into the phone. She laughed back asking me to just come home later on and be here to see him. I agreed and we ended the call. "Who was that?" August asked. "That was my mom. My dad's coming home from jail today and she just knows in her heart and soul that he's coming to bother her. Despite everything that my dad does, he is still human and he's a funny guy. You'll like him." I said back. 

     "Now how about that ice cream?" I asked him. "Babe take your fat ass back to sleep it's five a.m. there is no ice cream right now. But I promise you at a decent hour I will buy you all the ice cream you want." He said kissing my head and turning the lights off. I laid back down and closed my eyes trying to sleep but I couldn't.  I got back up about fifteen minutes later and sat on the balcony.  August woke up a few hours later and came looking for me. "K what's wrong with you?" He asked. I couldn't figure out what was wrong I think I just enjoyed this serene moment.  "Baby I told you I'm fine, I'm just relaxing. This air feels great and I'm just clearing away worries you know. You ever take a moment to sit back and reflect on all that you've done? Or take some time to just get your spirit together? Well that's what I'm doing." I say looking up to him smiling. He smiled back kissing me. "Lets get ready we gotta leave soon." He said walking back inside..

   I hoped in the shower and got washed up. Brushing my teeth, and when I put on my bra and panties I sat looking in the mirror at my stomach. I had been admiring it, and while I did August had just got out the shower and he stopped to look at what ever I was looking at. "K what the hell are you doing?" He asked. "Um.. August, I guess it's a little hard to believe that a baby grows in here. Like look at how flat my stomach is, and then I have this belly ring that'll probably look foul when I get bigger." I said laughing. He came over and touched my stomach. His hand damn near took up my whole belly. "Mm yea you right it is a little interesting, but just make sure that we're doing all the things we need to do to have a healthy baby." He said leaving the bathroom after kissing my head.

     I got dressed in a long royal blue sun dress and had my hair up. Shanny was supposed to help me take it out today and wash it. I had some sun glasses on and some pretty silver sandals. Once August was ready we headed out to my mom's house. "I like that dress on you, it looks nice." August said staring at me get in the car. "Awe thank you baby." I said. "Yea ya ass just bounce and giggle, ole yea." He said. I smacked his arm just knowing that he couldn't give a complement without being nasty. When we got to the house there were a couple of cars outside the front, and along the drive way. I noticed some New York plates, and figured it was some family from dads side. I really don't fuck with them either, but that's only because the live so far. I didn't know we were having a family gathering for this nigga. August and I step out the car confused. He grabs my hand and we tangle fingers trying to prepare for whats to come. We walk up to the front porch and open the door. Shanny was right there and looked me dead in the eyes. "Whats wrong girl?" I asked her assuming something was bothering her. "Girl I didn't know you had so many fine ass men in your family. I think your cousin Rob is checking for me." She said smiling. I rolled my eyes laughing at her. "Girl your a mess, get your life together." I told her. "I'm gonna get it tonight." She aid walking towards the dining room. August and I were still glued together as we made our way to the kitchen where my mom is.

  "Hey mommy what's going on?" I asked her giving her a air kiss near her cheek. "Oh your father told me to get things together, Cook food, get the grill going, and get ready. Apparently this fool don called all his peoples from New York to come down here to throw him a welcome home party. In my damn house." He cried. I laughed at her asking her where he was. She said that they didn't bring him home yet. He was at a half way house getting ready to come here. While we all waited Shanny August, and I grabbed some food and went to my room. They were blasting music and for a while we sat up there talking about people, and other shit. I ate as much as I could but I guess something just didn't sit to right with me. I got up and went to the bathroom, only to soon find myself spitting everything I ate right back up. Hovering over the toilet I heard the music down stairs stop and everyone had been chanting my fathers name. "Where's my baby girl at. I got something I wanna give her." I heard him say. And in the back of my head I'm just like Oh SHIT...

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