Chapter Three: New beginnings..

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Shanny and I began walking around campus, and she clearly didn't spot what I had spotted when we first stepped out. She grabbed my hand and we arm locked. "So what do you think is going on tonight?" She asked. They were setting up a stage in front of the school and lots of people were running around. "Hey why don't we ask someone what's going on for tonight." I add, but messing around with Shanny's ghetto ass I should have known that she would be loud and disrespectful about stuff. "Aye, you over there!" She yelled walking towards a white lady holding a clip board. I laughed to myself putting my head in my hands. Then I felt a tap on the shoulders. I turn around and seen the guy I peeped when I first stepped outside. "Hey freshman, what's good Ma'?" He asked me. "Freshman? Now how you know that?" I asked looking him up and down. He was tall as hell, and skinnier than I don't know what with a mouth full of gold you could spot from Texas. He went by the name of Toots. Young lil' light skin nigga with dreads. "I know you freshman, because I been coming here for almost three years now to the Spellman Festival week and I ain't never seen you before." He said. "Spellman Festival week?" I questioned. "Yeah, now I really know you a freshman, but that's cool, you bad as hell." He was cute, but something about him was off, like I couldn't put my finger on it. "So Toots, tell me more about this Spellman Festival week." I said as we walked along a pathway. "Well basically it's a weekend to welcome the freshman to the school, and they hire someone famous to perform.  They have different activities for you and the Sororities come out, and even people from other colleges come over and turn up. It's just one giant party, and tonight kicks off with a performance from August Alsina." He said.

  The whole time I was hoping he would ask me to this Festival. "So you wanna go with me tonight?" He asked. I smirked at him lightly nodding my head in agreement. "Aight baby I'll see you soon."  He said kissing my hand, handing me his number. I smiled more and Shanny came over not even knowing what was going on. "So Kennia they are having what they call a-' "Spellman Festival week." I say cutting her off. She looked at me confused, but I just told her to find a date and get some blunts, I'll get the weed...

   "Yo, pass the blunt." Toots said. He came back to our dorm with Shanny and I , and it was almost time for the show and we wanted a lil buzz before we went to go party. I was rolling up blunts to take with us, while we smoked one before we left. Shanny was fixing her hair and I re-curled mine, but I was already cute with what I had on, I wasn't changing. I was about to shit on all the bitches and have every nigga here drooling. The blunt got passed to me and I took a few puffs purp and kept it pushin. My phone went off and it was my mom. "Hey mommy." I said cheery into the phone. "Hey baby how are you. is everything going okay?" "Yes it is, they are having a festival tonight and we're about to head out." I told her. "Oh okay well I don't want to keep you. Have fun baby. Jim says hi." She said about to hang up the phone. "Hi Jim I love you both." I say. "I love you too baby. Be safe, Be careful, and kick em in the balls." She said ending the call. We finished the first blunt and headed out to go see the show. We seen everyone filling up so we had to get in there fast so we can actually see. 

  The performance consisted of a few people. 2 Chains, Pusha T, Chris Brown and August Alsina. So we were in for a show. Chris had opened up and gave us all the chills. That boy was fine as hell, then Pusha T came out with the thug shit, and by then we had taken a few drinks from bottles that was getting past around and smoked another blunt. I was screaming to the top of my lungs ready to see the other performers. Once August came on stage all the hoes got loud and a lot of panties got wet, including mine. I sung the words to his songs and had my hand in the air. Completely oblivious that he was looking at me the entire time. His gaze met mine and he smiled. A few girls got on stage and was twerking something and trying to dance on him, but he kept waving a hand at me trying to get me up there. I shook my head no at first. Then Shanny got up there and went buck, she was dancing like she never danced before. I couldn't believe it. I had my phone out recording the whole thing, and when she got down she grabbed my hand and we disappeared into the crowd. After the show was over we floated around campus high as hell talking and interacting with everyone. I seem to have lost Toots in the mist of my mingle, not that it mattered at this point. I had walked back over towards the stage where everyone had been long gone because ole dingy Shanny thought she lost something. She said she dropped her phone around here and I told her someone stole it. I'm just trying to be a good friend, but she was hopeful.

 "Aye ya'll need something?' A deep southern accent called out behind us. I turn around and it was a big guy from August Alsina's entourage. I seen him in the back talking on the phone, then he looked up and had to do a double take. "Hey let me call you back." I heard him say. He tucks his phone in his pocket and pushes past the two big guys standing in front of him. "Hey you dropped ya phone leaving off stage." he said handing her her Iphone back to her, while looking directly at me. "Thank you so much, your a life saver." She added. "Okay lets go." I say turning around. "Wait a minute what's the rush baby?" He asked. " Oh no rush it's just that we were on our way to go grab some food, and I'm starving." I say holding my stomach. "Oh what a coincidence we were on our way to Denny's ya'll should come too." He insisted. I looked at Shanny who had already opened her mouth up to say yes. "We would love to." She said smiling in his face. He gazed at me, looking sexy as hell. "And you?" He asked. "Sure." Was all I could muster. I was trying my best to be subtle, but it was hard. Everything about this man screamed sex, and I needed parts of it.

   We all got into a black SUV and sped off down the street. I didn't make eye contact and I didn't speak. I  felt his burning gaze look at me. When I turned my attention away from my phone and to August he was licking his lips staring me down hard. His eyes scanned over my body and I knew he wanted to know what was up my skirt, and if he played his cards right, he just might find out... When we made it to Denny's August and I ended up across from each other and even though he had his shades on I could see him looking. The lady eventually came over seeing what we all wanted to eat, but it was no joke a bitch had the munchies like crazy so I ordered my own meal and paid my way. "I like a woman that can eat." I heard him say softly. I looked up at him with my head still tilted downward into the menu. I scuffed a little and placed the menu down. "Well then you'll like me a lot." I return. For a moment it was unreal to be eating at Denny's with August Alsina, but he was really easy going and down to earth, he almost made it impossible for you not to like him. He and I flirted the entire time. Shanny peeped it and kept making little side marks about us. "Shanny will you shut up over there." August yelled laughing at her. His voice was so sexy, and his lips, he kept licking them. "So Kennia can I have your number? I keep asking and you keep switching the subject." He said setting his cup down. "Look if I like you, I'll give it to you when you take me back to my dorm safely." I returned. He smiled at me and then shook his head. He took another sip of his pop before saying okay. 

  By the time we got back to the dorm it was damn near three in the morning. August had walked me to my building and walked me up to my door. Shanny had beat us in so it was just us. His long finger tangled with mine as he pushed me up against the door. "So what about that number?" He asked. I rolled my eyes first. "How long are you gonna be here for?" I asked. "For this weekend and next weekend, why?" "Good night August." I said twisting the door knob. "Wait a minute." He said chuckling. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. I really need that number, I wanna talk tonight. His face had became so close to mine it was almost hard to breath. His lips poked out and I met him the rest of the way. Lightly brushing my lips against his I pulled him by his neck and he took it further sticking his tongue down my throat. I pushed him back and swiftly slid through my door and locking it shut......

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