Chapter fifteen: Shoot Or Die

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                                                    Part One

  I looked  at the message over and over again, completely dumbfounded. "Aye August? Come here real quick." I called out. "Wassup baby?" He said coming over pulling his shirt back over his head. I showed him the message and he looked at it the same way I did. Confused as hell he pulled out his phone and called someone. "Aye yo, what the fuck is going on my nigga? You told me you handled shit!" He screamed leaving the room. He came back in moments later and grabbed my purse. "Aye take her back to my moms I got some shit to take care of." He said to one of his boys who stood up and grabbed some keys. "August what the fuck is going on?" I asked. "Don't worry about shit I got it." He said. "No August I heard ya conversation on the phone the other night talking about I don't need to know. If this is concerning my sister, then I need to know." I said. "Yea and you will but I can't have you in the way. You carrying my child and I don't need you fucked up. Now take her home!" He screamed to his friend. He grabbed my arm and took me to the car.  Of course I kicked and screamed at first, but then I complied. 

  His mom pulled me in her room trying to call August, but he wouldn't answer. She asked me over and over again what was going, but honestly I didn't have a legit answer for her because I was clueless for real, All I knew was that it was about Toots and  what all went down that night. I'm not stupid so I'm tryna put pieces  together, Auja was down with that whole shit, but how she was out of town that night, or at least that's what she said. I pulled out my phone and called Auja. "So you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on, Bitch let me find out you got something to do with my sister and Nikko's death bitch I will come for that ass, and this time I won't be so fuckin nice about it." I said into the phone. "What are you talking about Kennia, I was in New York that night remember?" She said. "Naw but what I do remember is you telling me about a nigga you got in real close with over the past year. A lightskin nigga with dreads. Mm, seems to fit the description of the nigga I had killed last week. Toots is it? That's right I put ya nigga in the dirt, and you better believe I'm coming for you too." I say into the phone before hanging up. "Who was that?" His mom asked. "This bitch who probably started it all. They killed my sister and my friend." I said.

  She looked to her phone and answered a call from someone. I looked to mine and it was August calling me. "Hello." "Was it Auja?" He asked. "That's what it's looking like. Baby where are you?" I asked. "On my way back to Atlanta. If Big Rich or Shanny call, don't answer, for right now you can't trust no fuckin body. Call ya mom and let her know what's going on. Let her know I'm coming as soon as I can ok. Baby stay with my mom right now that's the safest place for you." He said to me. "August I love you baby ok, be careful." I said. "Come on now, you know I never get my hands dirty. I got my boys with me and we out chea." He said blowing me a kiss through the phone before hanging up. "Hey I just got off the phone with August he said he's on his way to Atlanta. If Big Rich call don't answer." I inform her. She nodded her head and told me to lay down. The last thing I needed was stress. I called my mom and did as August said, I told her everything. She told me that Auja left for her flight back to New York and that she wasn't staying for New Years, but I don't believe that. She told me Shanny left with her, but I knew for a fact that if Shanny is apart of this that bitch was dying too. 

 For hours I paced the floors, worried sick. August's mom tried her best to get me to calm down, and I really wanted to, but until I get and answer on what was going on I wasn't going to. August had finally called. It was three in the morning when he did, but he said he had made it to Atlanta and he was going to a hotel. He had some one go back to his house just to make sure everything was cool, and he asked me if Big Rich had called. I told him no, but I needed to know what was going on. "August what does Big Rich got to do with this?" I asked. "Well when you told me about that nigga Toots, I called him because he owed me a favor. He apparently was there that night flirting with your sister when the shit happened. He also said that he knew Toots and who that nigga work for. But Angel wasn't the intended target. You were." He said. Stone silence over the phone. Why the fuck was I the target? "Wait a minute what do you mean I was the target? For what?" I asked. "He said that who ever told Toots to put the hit on Nikko was coming for you too. Nikko was in dept and owed a nigga a lot of money, and he wanted to play the whole God father role and shit, and smoke everything near and dear to that nigga. Him and Toots was boys, and he allegedly went on about you on a daily. So when it was time he was coming to kill Nikko and you. But they got it all wrong. They mistaken Angel for you." He said. 

 My mind was in another world. What the fuck does Auja and Shanny have to do with this, and Nikko never talked about Toots, and Toots wasn't a nigga that came around often. Auja told me she started fuckin with him because he had money, and that her... dad.. had hired him. "August. Auja is the bitch who put the hit on Nikko. Her dad went to jail, about eight months ago, and she talked about taking over, for some extra cash. She was the one who put the hit out on me and Nikko." I said. "Wait what that's crazy. Why you or Nikko?" He asked. "You wonder why Auja and I aren't as close as Shanny and I?" I asked. "Yea tell me. What the fuck is going on?" He asked...

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