Chapter Sixteen: Avenge..

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 "I'm in Atlanta, Ma I'll be home in a bout fifteen minutes." I say ending the call. I sped up the car, calling August. I know he didn't want me here, but this has nothing to do with him. As long as he got Auja back to Atlanta like I asked everything will be fine. I told Shanny to got back to the school and get that recorder. "Baby, where did you send Auja?" I asked. "She right at the spot, why?" August asked back. "No reason. I'll talk to you later baby. I love you." I say hanging up. After finally making it to my house I went straight to the basement where mom kept all of my dads stuff. There was a box in a room with my name on it. My dad had one for me and Angel. Angel never got hers, but I was gonna open mine right now. Tearing the box open and finding a chrome Beretta M9 with a gold lining and my initials on it. I called Shanny and told her to put a move on it. I needed that recorder. 

   "Now what exactly are you getting yourself into?" My mom asked. "Ma I'm just gonna go talk to Auja and hopefully put all of this behind us ya know." I add walking towards the door. She stopped me and pulled me close. "Be safe, be careful, and kill that bitch." She added. I looked at her shocked. "Ma?" I asked. "Baby, I'm willing to take the blame for all of this, I know what happened, ok and I've come to terms with this. I've been in this game for too long, to not know what the hell is going on. I married your father remember, and just like him I wasn't always a saint." She said. I gave her a hug and told her I'd be fine. I opened the door and seen August standing there completely confused. "What the hell are you doing here Kennia?" He said. "I'm here to finish what this bitch started, and don't try to stop me. This bitch killed my sister, and came to her funeral like she had no clue what the hell was going on." I said as a tear slid down my face. I pushed past him and walked to the car. I got in and told him to just meet me at the spot. Keep an eye on Shanny she's coming with the recorder.

  I make it to the spot. It's empty and it's still broad day light. There's an abandon house where we all used to hang. I hadn't been here since that night. I hadn't been here, and emotionally it was draining me. I walked  around the area where she laid. Where she got shot and it only made me angry. It only made it worse. I walked inside and found her tied up, struggling to get out. Slowly I approach her and she looked up at me. Her left eye was swollen shut, and she had been bruised up. Her mouth was covered with tape so I tore it off. "Bitch!" She screamed. I knelled down and looked her in her eyes. "How you doing girl?" I asked. She looked at me gritty rolling her eyes. I smiled and laughed. "Look if you gon' kill me then just kill me." She said. "Whoa now hold on  a minute honey. I don't want to kill you just yet. I got some ideas, I've been getting a little creative with the things I want to personally do to you. See the difference between me and you baby, is I don't have to have someone else do my work. It's nice to have that connect, but with you. I had to come show my face. So you know why I'm here and it's good to know that you've come to terms with your death that will happen by the end of today." I said looking at her. She put her head down. "What you think I'm afraid of dying bitch fuck you. I enjoyed making your life hell. Killing your sister, and having you go through all this pain. Though I was after you, I must admit watching you surfer was my greatest joy." She spat. 

   I laughed some more as I grabbed a knife out my boot, and some pliers out the other. I had a hammer in my purse with a blow torch. "That's a pretty ring you got there." I said grabbing her finger. Swiftly with my knife I cut it off. Taking the ring off and placing it on my hand. I heard her cry out in pain and I laughed harder. "What's wrong Auja, see the thing you fail to realize about me, which is sad, is that I always get what I want one way or another. And deep down I'm pretty petty so if it was a war you wanted well you got it honey. I mean clearly you didn't think it would be this difficult. You thought I would send someone to find you and kill you. Nope not at all. Auja, you were cool, but you know you can't trust these bitches. Snakes right, ain't that what you told me when we were growing up? Snakes in the grass, be on the look out, and the whole time you were that snake. I should have nipped it in the bud that night you came crying to me over Nikko, but I chilled." I said grabbing another finger and slicing it away. Her hand had been leaking blood dripping on the ground. The spot was perfect too, because deaths happened here very often, and her blood spill will be just like any other. 

  The blow torch came in handy, when I decided that she really didn't need the skin on her cheek. I watched her flame out as August came in. He looked away, must have been too gruesome for him. "Babe what are you doing? Are you okay?" He asked. "Everything is great, this is fun." I explained. For hours this is what I did. She was pretty much done. No fingers, knee caps blown out, shoulders blown out Burnt face, the bitch was O.V. and finally I ended it for her. She pleaded for a shot to the head, and I thought about it, but I'm not that nice. I slit the bitches throat and watched her choke on her blood for a moment then it was silent. "Clean this shit up. It's all over. Shanny was there with August holding the recorder. I opened it and looked on it. It was footage of Shanny, Auja, and I as kids. Angel watching us and just good old memories. It was an apology from Auja telling me she was sorry, for what she had done and she knew I woud never forgive her. She knew what the out come of all of this was. She knew she was going to die. She said she truly did love me and that she wanted me to live happier...

  "Shanny pack your shit we gotta be at the campus in the morning. School starts back soon. Happy New Year." I say dropping the recorder and stepping on it. "I guess you wasn't fake after all.."

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