Sophie 2yrs old

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I learned enough that I might not get attention especially with six brothers and a baby sister in the house. I sometimes think that they had forgotten me completely. I learned to take care of myself though. I was taught by how my brothers do it. I sleep in the attic. Nobody finds me there it okay. It's really creepy though. I have a hard time sleeping in the stuffy dusty attic but I try. I found cloths to use when I grow and pictures. I know what most of my family looks like. I know papa leaves during the day and my big brothers Charlie, bill and Percy are learning about reading and spelling. Hopefully I will get taught like they do or I'm in trouble. I'm hungry I haven't ate since the other day. Maybe I should look in the fridge and see if there is anything I can eat. Or should I call one of those elfs to get me a sandwich.
"Sticky?" I said softly.
"Sticky is called?" A young elf asked.
"Im hungry. Please." I asked.
"Sticky can get you something." Said the elf.
"Yes please" I said. She pops out and back in with a plate of food. I thank her and grabbed the food. I ate in silence listening to what's going on in the house. Mom is yelling at the twins. Causing Baby Ginny to wake up. Causing Ron to cry because Ginny's crying. I just sit there eating listening to the wails of my siblings eating.

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