Easdropping and prank

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I walk up the the headmasters door and knocked. I heard a faint come in.
"Ah Sophie what can I do for you? You haven't gained trouble have you?" E asked with a smile. I laughed.
"No but I might be soon. See I want to do a huge prank to lift the dim spirits from the disappointments of those that can't enter the tournament." I said with heavy accent.
Dumbledore smiled.
"I think that is a grand idea. Just as long as no one is seriously injured. It is fine with me." Dumbledore said.
I smiled and stood up.
"Will do thank you professor." I said as I ran out of the office. I ran to the Gryffindor common room. I knocked and It opened up with Harry.
"Thanks" with my heavy accent and ran to Fred, George and lee. I grabbed them and dragged them to the seventh floor. I paced back and forth and a door opened to a huge prank idea supply room. I smiled and dragged them in. I put privacy charms and asked Lady Hogwarts to make sure no one can get in here.
"Okay I had a talk with Dumbledore and he said I can prank the whole school to lift the spirits of the schools for those that can't participate in the tournament." I said in one breathe, sometimes mixing it with Bulgarian. They have huge smiles. I bring them to my table I had set up in here last week when I was exploring. I had made a huge map that says where everyone was at and the subject of what they are talking about. I look to see the twins and Lee have a look that says I've died and gone to heaven. I look to see Golden trio talking about me. I huff. I press my wand to the trio and mutter a charm that I made. And I could hear the conversation.
(R- Ron, H- Harry, M- Hermione)
R- I honestly don't think she's is my sister. Honestly I would think to remember that I had two sisters.
H- Honestly Ron you do have a tendency to forget things.
M- That is true and she does the Weasley characteristics and the twins are very close to her.
R- So they could've meet at diagon alley and be close friends. She is also a metamorphosis she could of changed into that to fit in with the twins. Come on you got to Amit that does sound Likely possible. And besides isn't it weird that she goes to an all boys school?
H- actually Ron a girl gets invited to that school every year. However the girl usually can't take the pressure and quits or turn down the offer. Trust me I asked. Also she can bet me in quiditch at catching the snitch. That's not even her position. She's actually cool.
R- your just being biased. You sound like you have a crush on her.
H- I do not have a crush on her. Bloody Hell Ron what's going on with you?
M- well Harry it does sound like you have a crush on her and that is true Aron you sound jealous of her. She is pretty nice and get in well with the rest of the school.
I stop and take a deep breathe and try to keep the tears at bay.
"How about we make everyone's robes charmed so when they put them on it tells a fear and their strength. And if a person laughs at one then their robe would turn pink as well as their hair." I said. 
They all nod looking serious.
"Hogwarts I come to you in the time of help. Us students and pranksters come to help the school. To let the student come as one of knowing ones weakness and strengths. We need all student apart or not of this school to have their strengths and weakness on the back. Then if a student laughs at another student for their robe to turn pink along with their hair. Can you please help us to make it possible for tomorrow until Christmas?" I say up at the ceiling. I feel a warm magic hug. I smile.
I turn to the twins and hug them along with Lee. We all go to rest except me going to the headmasters. I knock on the door and wait for the come in.
"Come in." Was said.
I walk in and stood in front of his desk.
"Ah Sophie what can I do for you?" He asks.
"It's going to start tomorrow just beware of the writing on your back until Christmas." I said.
He look at me curiously.
"Everyone here including other schools would be charmed. In which their fear and their strength is shown. If one laughs at another their Robe and Hair would turn hot pink till Christmas. It would be in a way to let people gather confidence and more friends that have similar strengths and weakness to help each other and one way to see the people who don't have morals." I said. He nodded with a smile.
"Thank you ms. Weasley." He said. I went to be thinking of what to come in the next few months.

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