School yrs 2 quiditch cup

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I've been going to Drumstring since I was eleven. I owl my twin brothers all the time. I became a chaser during my first year. It was hard work, but it was fun. I'm friends with Victor Crum. He acts like a big brother and I love him for that. I'm friends with the whole school and are very protective of me. They don't dare flirt with me of they will get several stinging hexs. This is going to be my forth year at Drumstring. However, I'm on the Bulgarian quiditch team that's playing for the World Cup. We are working hard for the cup but we know that we can't get it. We are about two hundred behind in points. If we don't get the snitch we will be so far behind. Victor in the end grabbed the snitch and ended the game. I see the twins smiling and grabbing gallons off of everyone else. I fly over to them and land. The Twins race up to me and hugged me tight. I giggle.
"Hello Fred and George I missed you guys." I said with little accent.
"Hello Sophie how's Drumstring treating you?" They asked.
"I have a school of over protective boys. Plus I'm a chaser the youngest professional player. It's awesome. Sorry I didn't go to Hogwarts with you guys." I said.
"Fred George you know her?" Ron asked.
"Hello Ron still like cuddling spiders?" I asked.
"Fred George why did you tell her that!" Ron yelled.
"They didn't I'm the one who came up with the prank. Here let me introduce myself.
Sophie Ella Louise Weasley your younger sister and Ginny's older sister. Born on July 31st. The one that lived in the attic because her family forgotten her." I said with a hand out.
"Your not our sister we never seen you!" Said Ron and Ginny.
I look at dad.
"That's because mom and dad forgot about me. When I tried to go down I had wands in my face. I'm metamorphosis this is only a look I go by." I said staring at Dad.
•Soph come on we need to talk to the Minister and the Irish team.• Victor called out flying.
•I'm coming hold on• I said back.
"By guys I got to go talk to the Ministers and the Irish." I said to the twins.
I mount the broom and fly with Victor to the Irish tent. We were talking until there was screams. We go outside to see death eaters attacking. Victor grabbed me and starts walking towards the tree line. Until we got separated I landed on the floor.
•Victor! Victor!• I called out.
•Sophie where are you!• he called back.
•I don't know!• I said.
"Who is it we have here?" Someone said behind me.
I turn around to see a death eater.
•Victor help me!• I screamed.
"What did you just say?" He asked.
The man crept up closer to me. I back up only tripping on a fallen beam.
•Victor!• I yelled.
"Shh crucio!" The death eater yelled.
I crumbled to a heap on the ground screaming. The pain was intolerable. I had tears streaming down my face screaming.
•Victtttttttooorrr!• I screamed.
Then the pain stopped. But I couldn't stop twitching.
"Sophie are you all right?" Asked a pair of voice that I guessed was the twins.
"She suffered the Crucio for three minutes. Straight." Victor said with heavy Bulgarian accent. I felt someone brushing my hair out of my face. My hair changed back to orangish red. I look at them and back to Victor.
•can we go back to the school now I'm fine. Nothing a little potion can fix.• I said to Victor.
•Yes we can you had enough fun for the day.• he said.
•You call that fun that hurt worse than conditioning for a season.• I said back. I got up with the help of the twins.
"Hey forge and Gred I'm going to go back to school. I'll owl you later." I said. I went with Victor back to the boat with shaky legs.

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