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The idea got improved and now I'm boarding the train. I sat in the teachers carriage with Snape. We began to talk about plans for the year. When we got off we got a carriage and continued talking. We entered the great hall talking and smiling. Everyone looked at us weird. We took our seats. But I asked Dumbledore if I can speak a little after the sorting. When Dumbledore announced me to speak I stood and held the wand at me throat.
"Good evening Students and teachers. I am a new Professor here but have went to this school. I am Professor Prewett. I will be teaching potions this year." There was cheers.
"And Professor Snape will be teaching DADA. A word of advice just because I am the same age of the sixth years I will not tolerate foolishness in the class room. Thank you." I said I cancel the spell and sat down and looked at the faces of the shocked students. I smile and me and Snape high five. Even the teachers were shocked. And I sent a wink to my used to be family.
They soon found out that I won't go easy on them. I pushed them in the limit of studying. I gave detentions. They were to clean the room clean without magic. I actually made gunk appear on the walls and floors so they have to work hard for it. I would send letters to the twins telling them what happened. I actually helped students in class and asked them questions when I walk around the room. They improved in potions but it was hard work for them.
By the end of the year the struggling students were up to my expectations and the first years know proper things while going into it. From what I heard Snape made them start with a potion. I started with theory and practice. I had them learn how to cut vegetables as if it were potion ingredients. I actually made them make vegetable soup for their first potion. But then I actually started them off with simple potions. They had fun and know the rules in my room. Apparently the scores were so well the minister came to watch my classes. Students listened to me and followed instructions. Some would raise their hand and ask for help, and I would. I gave warning and detentions. He complemented my results. When there was a knock I took out my wand and made gunk appeared. The minister looked at me confused. I opened the door. Students were there to serve detention. I point to the buckets of warm water and sponges. They grabbed it and started working.
"Professor how did this gunk get here?" I was asked.
"Potion explosion. I want it cleaned up please." I said. They huff and continued scrubbing. Dumbles died and death eaters took over the school.
I stood in front of the students with death eaters pointing their wands at me.
"Do you swear allegiance to the dark lord?" I was asked.
"The dark lord? Hmph I rather stay neutral in this war. But if we're to pick a side it will be my own. Now look in my eyes see how pretty they are?" I said changing my eyes to balsic. The death eaters dropped dead. I change them back to normal and look at the students.
"I want 1st to 5th year in their dorms. Don't open it unless given your password. 6th and 7th years. Pair up with a teacher and help them strengthen and support their part of the castle. If you separate make sure you are in a pair of three. We don't want any deaths to happen." I said. They did as told.
"Welcome Hogwarts watchers. Please help us in this war." I whisper as stone soldier fall from their place and started securing the castle.

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