Shut out

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Honestly I don't see the problem with madam Umbridge. Sure she puts new rules and is trying to take control of the school but I can't do anything about it. I go to class, follow rules, eat, go to bed. I don't even talk to my twin brothers. In fact I haven't talked since the opening feast. Umbridge seems to like me. Since well I haven't gone against her and I show respect. I know the seventh year curriculum because I've done it for two years. I study for the newts. The Gryffindors shut me out because I supposedly support Umbridge and what she goes for. But I don't I just don't act up. Sure in Drumstring I played pranks. It's just this is a ministry official. I walked down the hall from the library when I finished studying for the day. I got in the common room. The students in the common room were all solum and rubbing their hands. They look at me like I was a traitor. I just walk up the stairs and to see my things dumped on my bed and Umbridge was looking through it.
"Professor Umbridge can I ask what are you looking for?" I ask quietly. She turned to me.
"Just seeing if you broke the rules." She said.
"Why should I break the rules. The minister told me I should respect you. If you are doing what you think is right I should listen. Your a ministry official. Even though the ministry wronged me I try to be forgiving." I said quietly.
She smiled.
"Good. How is your studying? You have Newts this year." She stated.
"I'm just refreshing. I remember the curriculum from Drumstring. I was advanced and wasting my time. Once I take the newts and finish I can find a job worth the time." I said quietly with my head bowed and my accent clear as day. She nodded.
"Good. Good. Well you may do as you please Sophie. Study hard for the Dada newt. I'll make it hard for you." She said.
"Yes Madam Umbridge. I will listen to your advice." I say with my head bowed. When she left I fell to my side. My eyes closed. I heard people surrounding me.
"What happened?" I heard one asked.
"It was like she was in this trance all year. She never talks. She would always follow the rules. She usually plays pranks but she hasn't done any. It's weird. Not herself." Someone answered. I open my eyes and put my things in my trunk quietly and softly. I then grab my dada book and start to read it. I ignored the weird concerned faces.
Newts are in two days. I went to sleep waiting for the exams.
Today is the exams and I committed the information in my head. The questions were beyond easy. Ten minutes in I finished the dada exam. I raised my hand. She strutted to me.
"Yes Ms. Weasley?" She asked. People turned to look.
"I finished Madam Umbridge." I said handing her the test. She looked over it. She hummed in admiration. She handed me another test. She watched me do this one. The test was easy enough. I read the question and answer it precisely showing where it can be found. I finished and she picked it up. She nodded.
"Write me an essay on creatures." She stated. She handed me a long roll of parchment.
I started writing from the least dangerous to the most dangerous. The characteristics, how to defeat them, their laws, and their life spans. It was long and detailed. It filled the whole parchment. By them some others were finished. She just took their test they didn't get extra. I raised my hand. She walked over looking confused. She saw the whole parchment full. She picked it up and scanned it. She sighed.
"That is all I had for you. You may go. Study for your next test that starts in thirty minutes. I believe it will be in this room also." She said.
"Yes madam Umbridge." I said quietly. I stood up and grabbed my bag. I walked out and sat in the court yard. I started reading my text books. Many exit the room groaning and complaining that it was hard.
All the tests were extremely easy. I finished them early, the teachers were told to do the same thing as Umbridge did by Umbridge herself. It was all easy. I thought of what I was going to do when I graduate. A professor? I do know for one thing is that the dark lord wants me to be his bride. I just don't want that. I'm not evil I want to help others who has been in the same spot I was.
After the exams I didn't look like the others. They looked like zombies. I just sat by the lake looking out into it. I felt people sit down by me.
"Hey Sophie how was testing. I noticed you got extra tests then others?" Fred asked.
"Easy. I was a condition from the minister and Umbridge who watch me took tests at the ministry to add more. As they are easy for me." I said quietly and plain.
"What happen to you?" Harry asked.
"I don't know what your talking about." I said looking at him I blinked. A large headache came.
I held my head I started sobbing. I felt someone holding my shoulder. I screamed it burned. I was on the floor shaking.
'I'll shut up. Please stop.' I repeated. I didn't know I was saying this out loud. I felt someone pick me up and run to the hospital. I was crying out in pain with the burning touch. Madam Promfrey scanned me and her eyes widen.
"Lay her down quick. No wonder she was crying in pain." She said. Cool liquid was poured down my throat. The pain started to leave.
"Will she be herself?" I heard the twins ask.
"Um not exactly. When she wakes up she will remember what happened and go into a shell. It would be hard to get her out of it. My question is how she got it in the first place. The potions and spells were banned and almost forgotten." Madam Promfrey said.
"Oh." Was what I heard.
"So how did your exams go?" Promfrey asked.
"They were hard. Sophie over there finished the test in ten minutes. Then the teachers gave another test the teacher said was harder. They watched her finish it in a smaller amount of time. Then gave her a five foot essay in a subject. Like in DADA was on creatures. In charms was charms and their benefits and consequences. And when we asked why she had to take those extra she said the minister and Umbridge wanted to see what she was made of. She had an appointment before school started asking if she can skip to seventh year. I know she could as she took seventh year for the past two years. They tested her with Umbridge watching her. She passed sixth year tests in all o's. Her owls she had all o's. But the exception was she had to take her seventh year here and get extra tests. She made her take all newt classes she was fine at the welcoming feast. The next day she stopped talking and ignored everyone. When Umbridge started adding rules she followed them and did work. She is the only one that didn't get detention with her. Two days before today Umbridge searched Sophie's trunk. After she left. Sophie fell to the ground. Then five minutes later she woke up, started putting things in her trunk by hand. No words. She didn't notice that the whole tower was watching her. After she finished putting her things back she sat on her bed and begin reading her DADA like Umbridge told her because she said she was going to make it harder for her." The twins explain. I open my eyes and just stare at the ceiling. Thinking that I was doing things because I wanted to approve myself. I didn't want to cause trouble. If I went against her orders and rules then she could ruin my life. But there was a feeling that I manipulated to those thoughts.
I didn't realize that someone was talking to me nor trying to get my attention. A hand touched me and I flinched and screamed in pain.
Promfrey moved my shirt off my shoulder. A burn that took shape of the hand. Promfrey scanned me again looking confused. She fire called Snape. When Snape strode in and started talking to Promfrey.
Snape looked at the hand print. He touched a different area with his finger. I flinched and screamed. He immediately removed and saw a burn mark. He started muttering word pointing his wand at me. A paper cane out of his wand. He read it quickly.
He quickly grabs potions and push them down my throat. He then started chanting words. I was engulfed in light. I feel light, sick and very tired. I fell back to laying down. My eyes closed by themselves.

3rd person Pov.
Sophie fell into a coms. Saint Margos took her under their care. The twins cried together. Snape was in shock and Promfrey was sad that her student is going through this. The spell was dark and was a safe key for another spell. If the spell was disfigured. The other spell would activate. Soon the person would die because of suicide or burned to death. It was banned long before the first war. Umbridge was found guilty for the use. She was sentenced to Azkaban with her wand snapped. Sophie's story was published in the daily prophet. Saying what's going on. The under secretary using a spell banned since before the first war on a fourteen year old Sophie is the ministry to be blamed?
Many were shocked at the news hopping Sophie was alright. Sophie woke up a month later just in time to get her results.

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