2// Reminiscing

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"Hey," he grabbed the back of my bookbag. I turned to see my brother pull up.

"I gotta go." I got walked in the passenger seat and he drove off.

"Hey ma. I missed you." He said, he leaned over the seat and kissed my cheek.

"I been good, he's been doing it again." I said and let out a tear. We stopped at a light and he wiped my tear.

"Oh that supposedly 'boyfriend' of yours. I told you ma, if he ain't making you happy you need to end it" He says

"I wish I could but I can't. I really do love him Kevin but the no communication isn't working for us. And plus my friends have always said we are the cutest couple." I say letting my tears out.

"Y'all damn sho ain't the cutest if y'all don't talk. And don't let anyone's opinion determine your decisions. It'll mess you up big time. Now I don't want you to be doing all that damn crying cause you a crybaby honestly." He says.

"But-" He cut me off.

"No Jade, ain't no buts. I want you to break up with him. I just can't stand to see my baby sister come home from school everyday with tears in her eyes. Me and you both done went through too much shit when we were young. I don't want you hurt. I love you but not everyone will be there for you. Take a stand and stick up for yourself." He says as we reach his business home.

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