Chapter 12

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“Hiya love.” I say, enclosing my arms around Sara. She smiles and pecks me on the lips before closing the door beind her.

“its so cold out there.” She says, rubbing her arms.

“I think you need a hot chololate.” I reply, raising my eyebrows. She grins and takes my hand; we go through to the kitchen.

I put the milk in the microwave and turn to her.

“is Lucy here yet?”

“yeah, her and Harry are in the lounge looking at films.”

“awesome.” She replies.

“what do you think about Lucy?” I question, taking the mug out of the microwave and mixing it.

“She’s lovely… I mean I’ve only met her once but she seems to make Harry happy.”

“yeah, I totally agree. It’s nice to see that he’s found someone.”

I add the powder to the milk.

“ don’t think he’s only going out with her to get over you?” I find myself asking.

“I don’t think he needed to get over me Tom. To be honest, I genuinely think he was just trying to protect me.”

I have a long list of things I could say to that but instead, I just finish her hotchocolate; getting whipped cream out of the fridge and squirting it onto the hotchocolate and then marshmallows. I turn around to find her gone. I shut the cupboard and hear her footsteps. “where did you go?” I ask.

“to the toilet.” She replies, laughing.

“come over here.” I say, opening my arms; giving her the impression that I’m going to hug her.

She walks over obediently but I push her away as soon as she reaches me. She looks at me confused and I reach behind me discretely.

“close your eyes.” I say. She frowns.

“tom… what are you going to do?”

“just do it.”

 She does as I say and shuts her eyes. I bring the whipped cream bottle infront of me and squeeze the trigger so it lands on her nose.

She gasps and opens her eyes.

“Tom!” she giggles, taking the bottle from me. I reach out and rub it across her face and before I know it, she has put a pile of it on my face.

“YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT.” I shout, picking up the marshmallow’s and throwing them at her. She squirts some whipped cream into her hand and rubs it through my hair.

“No…you…didn’t.” I shout, my face now hurting from smiling so much.

“yes, I think you’ll find I did.” She laughs back, keeping her hands in my hair. All of a sudden, her facial expression turns serious. Her gaze goes to my lips and I look down to hers. I pull her body closer to mine and kiss her, leaning back against the kitchen cabinet and placing my hands on her waist.

I pick her up underneath her thighs and spin her around so she is sat on the cabinet with her legs wrapped around me. A smashing sound makes me pull away. She looks at me and frowns. “what was that?” she asks. I kiss her on the forehead and put her down.

I look down at the floor and see that Sara has accidently knocked the hotchocolae on the floor.

“well, you cant warm up now.” I joke, smiling at her.

“I already warmed up, thanks.” She replies.

“go on, I’ll clean it up and you go sit with Harry, Sam and Lucy.” I say, wrapping my arm around her.

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