Chapter 27 ~ You Couldn't Stick Around

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Chapter 27 ~ You Couldn't Stick Around

A few days later, as planned, Dean and Seth went to see their bosses with hopes that Seth could get his job back. With Dean being pregnant, he couldn't wrestle and they didn't have much else  for him to do. Of course he was getting a pregnancy leave, which would include being paid, but that would not be enough to pay for their wants, needs, and things for the baby on the way. 

Dean's leg twitched nervously as he stared out the window of the car, trusting Seth to drive the car without crashing it. Dean would be driving, but his belly was getting so big that it wouldn't fit behind the wheel; they had tried because Dean was stubborn and wouldn't give up without a fight against Seth. Seth allowed him to, knowing it was probably his insecurities from being pregnant getting to him. He had expressed to Seth previously about how he felt fat and ugly, insecure about whether or not Seth would still love him after all of this. Seth had to console him and tell him that no matter what, he would love Dean with all of his heart. 

Dean bit his fingernails nervously, trying not to let Seth see. He knew Seth hated when Dean did that due to the amount of germs he was technically ingesting, but he couldn't help it; it was a bad habit of his that he had had since he was a kid. He did it when he was anxious about something and right now, he was feeling his anxiety levels rise at the thought of Seth not being able to get his job back.

 With all technicalities in mind, isn't Seth still working for them? He never did quit or get fired; he was rumored to have been in a hit-and-run accident by some drunk driver or something. When Dean had asked his bosses, if his memory served him correctly, they had believed that this had happened to Seth and were genuinely concerned. 

But none of that mattered now. If they wanted to fire Seth or Dean on the spot, they would, and there would be nothing neither of them would be able to do to stop it. That thought scared the living hell out of Dean and ate at his insides since he refused to mention it to Seth. He didn't want to worry his beloved boyfriend, so he kept it to himself. He knew Seth would be upset if he found out, but Dean felt like he had to do it this way; he didn't want Seth to be a ball full of nerves when walking in to see their bosses for a visit. 

Seth noticed Dean's concerned expression, even though he tried to hide it  by staring out the window. He reached over and set his hand on Dean's knee, squeezing it lightly. He gave a small smile when Dean looked his way. 

"Baby, don't worry about it," Seth cooed, switching his eyes between the road and his boyfriend, hopefully soon to be husband. "It'll turn out fine, trust me." 

"How do you know?" Dean snapped, staring at Seth with narrowed eyes. "You think that but how do you know it's true?" 

Seth sighed, shaking his head lightly. "Dean, do you trust me?" 

"What does that have to do with anything?" Dean scoffed, crossing his arms. Seth was trying not to catch an attitude back with Dean since he knew it was just the man's hormones getting all out of wack due to the pregnancy, but it was difficult. Even with these hormones, he shouldn't be behaving like this. 

"Just answer the question, Dean,"  Seth told him, raising a brow. "Do you trust me?" 

Taking a deep breath, Dean nodded. "Of course I trust you, Seth. It's nothing to do with you." 

"You acted like it had everything to do with me," Seth responded, knowing he should have probably kept his mouth shut. "All because I said it'll turn out fine." 

"Because you don't know if it will," Dean continued to argue. "But you claim that it will regardless. I'm confused." 

"About what?" Seth huffed. He was having issues keeping his temper under control. "What could you possibly be confused about?"

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