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(Your P.O.V)
"Go on! He keeps looking at you!"

I huffed a little as my cheeks tinted a light pink, I appreciate the gesture and what not but i really doubt the best looking mech in the school would be looking at a fem like me... What would he see in some one like me when he could have an bot in the entire school, world even. I'm not making a fool of myself on my first day.

"Stop please Arcee... He's probably just staring at you... I'm just like... I'm like a potato okay? Just here because i can be and that's it"

She rolled her optics dramatically before that trade mark wicked smirk appeared on her faceplates, oh no.

"Arcee what are you-"

"I'm going to ask him for his com link... For you!"

And just like that she was gone faster then i had ever seen her go, I was so dead.


She winked at me and tapped the mechs shoulder gently, i couldn't hear what she was saying but he smiled and looked to me. I felt my spark stop as he looked back to her and said something else, her optics lit up and she nodded before running over to me quickly.

"He wants you to sit with him!"

My optics widened and my cheeks tinted a dark red, she just squealed all the more.

"WHAT!? What am i supposed to do!? What if i make myself look like an idiot!? I'm going to die"

I pretended to fall of the chair but she caught me and laughed, i groaned a little.

"Be yourself... He told me that he had seen you around a little and he thought you were cute! Just have fun with it!"

I was only blushing more as she pulled me up onto my pede's and handed me my bag, pushing me over a little with a last wink for good luck. I was in uni, studying to work with Alphatrion in the arch... Well more in his lab. I loved science, it was my calling... Plus all the top scientist are like respectable... Smart... And by primus are they good looking... I wanted to work with them so much, I've heard a lot about Perceptor as well so it would be an honour to work with them.

I looked back to her with fearful optics and she only sighed before smiling.

"You'll do great... Don't miss another chance... You're gorgeous and he'll love you, just be yourself!"

I smiled a little before nodding and taking a deep breath, although it was shaky it's the thought that counts. I took a few shaky steps.

Snap out of it!!

I shook my helm before walking over confidently with a small smile, he turned to me and instantly smiled. I felt my legs stop and my knees buckle a little, he jumped up and placed a servo on the small of my back to keep me balance.

"Whoa there... Calm down gorgeous, don't want to have to visit my med bay"

He's a medic... That's a bonus, ya know besides the vent flaring smile... Spark stopping frame... Servo's of a god... Oh i wonder what he could be doing with those... Oh enough!

I let out a small nervous laugh as he stood me up straight and took my servo, kissing it before leading me over to the table with his friends. I had heard about these guys as well. Wheeljack was the one who like to mess around but he was a scientist so i respected him no matter what. Orion was the archivist, everyone loved him because he was so friendly and loved to help out... Plus he's adorable. Megatronus was a gladiatorial major and bachelor of sports, him and orion had liked each other for a while but never really knew how to confess. Jazz, music major as well as taught dancing, that's how fragging good he was. Prowl, tactician expert, calculates possibilities that not even the worlds greatest calculator good do. They were all amazing bots with purposes they were exceeding in.... I didn't belong here at all.

"Hay guys! This is the fem I told you all about"

They all smiled and one by one came up to introduce themselves, me of course exchanging my own information. I smiled for each and every word before the mech took my attention back to him, i don't think even Unicron could get sick of that smile.

"Hay gorgeous... I never got your name?"

I gasped a little myself before trying to swallow my nervousness... I failed horribly.

"I-It's (Y/N)... And your's?"

His smile could have won awards.

"It's Ratchet, lovely to meet you sweetspark"

Sometimes all you need is a change. (Ratchet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now