She did what?!

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I was brought from my daze as I felt the mech shift on the hospital berth beside me, groaning loudly, probably from all the pain he was in. His optics fluttered open tiredly and he looked over in my direction "(Y/N)?" He mumbled gently and I sighed, thanking Primus he hadn't had any memory loss.

The doctors had explained that the bullet he had taken had a large chance of affecting his memory and motor skills, being able to move and talk may come difficult but he seemed to be doing okay for the moment. I can't believe the idiot did that!

"Oh thank frag" I sighed out, helm in my hands as I shook lightly "I-I can't believe... Ratchet damn it you could have died!" I snarled at him, ripping my servos from my faceplate as my optics met his. He frowned a little "If didn't do what I did you would have died"

"That's not the point! You could live without me! I can't live without you! Ratchet I've never had any one treat me like you! I have no friends and no family left! You're all that have and that stupid bitch could have taken it all from me with one hit! That's what she wants! To see us suffer because she's a sadistic crazed freak! P-Please Ratchet... Don't ever do that again"

By this time the tears the leaked from my optics were nothing short of waterfalls, pushing myself onto the berth and into his arms, it was hard enough with my shaking legs and aching frame. I hadn't moved from the hospital chair for what felt like months. It was only two days but not the point. We were still all dressed up nicely from the ball. That's where it happened.

It hadn't been two minutes since we got there, I noticed her strait away. That scowl permanent on the once sweet looking faceplate. She wanted him, but she couldn't have him. That made her angry. Like a child in a toy store. Although something seemed different. Off almost. And what didn't help was when that almost pathetic glare turned into a chilling grin. It doesn't matter, I need to focus on him.

"I'm sorry" his sweet voice pulled me from my thoughts as I nuzzled into his neck "I just... When I saw the mech pull out the gun and point it at you, I couldn't bare to think of what would happen next. I needed you safe" he whispered solemnly. I only frowned more and cupped his cheeks.

"I love you so fragging much ratchet. The next time you do something that stupid I'm going to slap your dead corpse" I warned and he only giggled "Yes ma'am" sliding his arms around my waist he laid back on the berth, my frame lying above his as we cuddled.

"God this is heaven compared to that fragging chair" I moaned out lightly, groaned as Ratchet started to give my back a gentle massage "Your servos are that of a gods" I whispered out as my optics fluttered closed.

"Get some sleep beautiful" he mumbled and I did just that, drifting off almost instantly, and soon after he did the same.

"You missed?! How could you miss! She was right there! What am I paying you for!?" She hissed out "She'll be the downfall of us all! I just know it!" She slammed her servo on the desk so hard it almost broke.

"Miss Adora I-I'm sorry-" he was cut short "You have no right to call me by my first name scum, now get out of my sight before I throw you in the pit!" She screamed and with that he ran out with his tail between his legs.

"Adora" The thick deep voice pulled her from her thoughts "The medics femme? She lives?" He growled out, the femme turning to face the large silver mech with somewhat scared optics "I-I'm sorry father, once again the vehicle failed to do his job. But I promise I know how to fix this" She spoke quickly, standing up straight as he nodded.

"Good, I'll check in later this week. You better have results" he spat before storming out. As he left she sighed and rubbed her faceplate "You know love, you don't have to do this" The soft kind voice of her carrier came from behind her, Starscream was a lot kinder in his younger years.

She turned to him with tearful optics "If I don't do what he says than hell hurt you! I can't let that happen" she croaked out and stepped forward, wrapping her arms tight around him. He sighed a little and cradled his little girl "I love you so much Adora, and if you think this is wrong than tell me... I have people who can help us out of this" he spoke gently.

She seemed to giggle "You mean Skyfire?" Stars cheeks turned pink and he huffed "Don't get me wrong, I love the forced bond with mega" his voice laced with sarcasm as he rolled his optics "But... He missed you so much. You look so much like him" he frowned. She nodded and cuddled close to him.

"I miss my real sire as well, every day. He treated me with real respect, he actually loved me..." She whispered and he stroked her back "Not too much longer love, it'll all be okay" and with that, Star kissed her helm and let her go. Heading back into his separate room where his very first plot to take Megatron's life began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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