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I sat there, my pede wiggling a little while waiting for the mech to step out. Today we were going to the ball, i had been preparing for this for almost a week now, ever since ratchet had asked me out to the dance. I was stressing out completely because i didn't want stuff this up for the mech, he meant the world to me and if i embarrassed him like i usually do then i really couldn't live with myself, especially if it as because of my stupid condition. He walked out with a wide smile on his faceplate, flexing his frame playfully as i laughed at the stupid grin on his faceplate, he was such a dorky thing.

"Well there's my handsome medic" i laughed softly as i stood up and walked over to him, nuzzling into his jaw before pressing a soft kiss to his dermas as he wrapped his arms around my polished waist, his lips quirking into a smirk as he picked me up and swirled me around more then happily. I loved this mech.

He only laughed as i squeaked and clung tightly to him "Stop that!! I don't want to die before the ball!!" I laughed gently and he placed me down before kissing my nose gently "I wouldn't want you to die at all" He grinned. I huffed with a blush and shoved him playfully before taking his servo and tugging him out into the crisp cool air of the night.

As we walked along he began to hum a small tune, i hadn't realised i was lost in his perfect vocals until he nudged me, that's when i noticed we where here. Squeaking i pulled the mech in, excited to see out friends and what not.

The night went smoothly, all of us laughing and dancing around like idiots. We ate and drank all we could-non alcoholic abviously-and sooner or later me and my beautiful mech found ourselfs sitting atop of the school roof, gazing at the stars as we talked about our futures together.

"Alright, my turn... Hm what's your favourite-" I cut him off.

"Don't you even dare" I hissed as i shot him a glare, he only lost it laughing and shrugged "Okay okay... Where do you see yourself in five years then?"

I thought about this for quite a while and once i had decided my answer was sufficiant i looked into his optics "I hope to be working along side Perceptor, saving bots lives with what i would discorver... I hope to be bonded to the love of my life, i hope to have had at least two bouncy little sparklings who grow up to change the world... That's where i would like to be" I whispered softly and slid my servo gently into his "But what i want more than anything in the whole primus forsaken universe... Is to have you by my side through it all, no matter what."

The mech honestly looked like he was about to cry, so i slid into his lap and nuzzled his nose "I know it's early and i know that... Well we've only been together less than a year but I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life. I want you... I want you to bond with me" I whispered gently and them mechs optics seem to light up before he pulled me into a deep kiss. And just as the moment couldn't get any better... The mech woke up.

Ohhhhhh what's happened!? I'm sorry for not updating for so long but i had to get this out! I know some of you will want to kill me for what i did but... I had to, i needed something interesting and now i finally have a plot HAHA! Any way hope you enjoyed this at least, see yall next time XD.

Sometimes all you need is a change. (Ratchet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now