Strawberry Suckers.

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I looked to the mech beside me and gave a small sigh, it had just been a normal casual walk so far to where he was taking me... I didn't actually know where we were going. Well more to the surprise of Ratchet, that's the last thing i need. I was pulled out of my thoughts as i felt a warm sensation against my servo, turning to see i noticed Ratchet had gripped my servo gently in his own. I felt a blush creep across my cheeks as he took it a little further and intertwined our digits, it's only been a few minutes and he already had me on the brink of fainting. Great!

As we walked servo in servo he began to hum a small song, i don't know what it was but it was beautiful and it matched his voice perfectly. His voice was angelic, something primus had sent down to heal children and you wouldn't believe it. As soon as the thought entered my mind we walked to into the scene of... That's right ladies and gentlemech's! A children's hospital! I looked over to him with a small worried expression and he only smiled, squeezing my servo gently as he tugged me over through and to the front desk where I met the lovely... Absolutely gorgeous femme who worked the front desk. What do i have compared to that!

"Dr Ratchet. Sunny and sides are waiting for you in one"

He thanked her and grabbed a file before walking off, the whole time she didn't give me a second glance. As he tugged me through the hall i looked around at all the children and how happy they seemed, i wish i got that when i was a sparkling. Ratchet seemed so happy to be here, he really did love his job... A mech who loves sparklings... Primus what have i gotten myself into. Just as i looked to my right a small femme ran up to Ratchet, she was small, black and white and absolutely adorable but the thing that hit me the hardest was... The two long scars down her backstruts... Where a pair of door wings should have been.


"Oh hello Rouge!"

The little femme seemed so happy and bouncy, she seemed a lot like jazz but had prowls type frame. Later i found out that she had been their creation, that explains the mood and the door wings... If she still had them.

 She giggled happily and jumped up into his arms where she nuzzled into his neck, he only laughed and cuddled her close as we walked into the first room.



The two voices were similar and i looked over to see two youngling mech's sitting on the medical berth, both looked distressed as they avoided another mech or first aid as he was knows who was holding a needle the size of a full grown digit. I squeaked a little and my optics widened.

"See! Even she's scared! Wait she? Who's the fem Ratch?"

The red mech seemed like the more confident of the two, which i assumed were twins. The yellow one was just fiddling with his servos as he sat there looking nervous.

"She's p-p-pretty"

I looked to the smaller yellow mech and only smiled, i let go of Ratchets servos before walking over to him. I pressed a soft kiss to his forehelm.

"Well aren't you just a sweetspark?"

His blush brightened in a flash before he hid behind his brother, who just giggled at the yellow ones state.

"Naw Sunny! That's so cute!"

Rouge jumped from Ratchet's arms and flipped before landing between the two only to cuddle both of them happily, now the red one was blushing brightly as well but he just smiled widely and cuddled her back. I giggled at that three before walking back over to Ratchet, his smile only widening before he kissed my cheek.

"I think she's cute" The red one chuckled.

Rouge blushed and huffed before grumbling something like 'Not cute' only to sit in Sunnstreaker's lap with a happy purr, i just smiled before turning to first aid who looked a little confused.

Sometimes all you need is a change. (Ratchet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now