That sickening feeling.

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I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, today i had one of my major test and if i didn't do this write then my whole schooling career would be over. I needed this, i really did. I needed this so i could show everyone that I'm not weak, that i can do what every body else can do. It's okay... just breath. All of a sudden the pencil in my servo looked a lot mroe menacing then a few seconds ago, the paper looked as if it was just laughing at me. 

Stupid piece of paper!

I huffed a little to myself and let out another sigh, my mind then flashed with thoughts of Adora... Little did she know i had seen both hers and ratchets interaction yesterday, now the pencil and silence seemed more threatening then ever. My breath shuddered a little and my frame tensed slightly. Oh no.

I tried to swollow the thickening the saliva in my intake, taking deeper breaths just to prevent it. Why did my fragging feelings have to fuck around with my condition. I bit down on my glossa to control it, test, you have a test. I looked to the side before looking back to my pencil, noticing that i had snapped it in half. I let out one last shuddering breath before burtsing from my seat in the lecture hall, running out as fast as my pedes could carry.

I ran out into the schools gardens, my breathing rapid and my vision spinning as i tried to get my conciousness back on track but really... I felt every passing second take more of it away from me. It was sickening and i felt as if i was going to vomit but nothing came up, my faceplate was flushed and chassis rose and fell faster then ever. I let my optics close and was about to fall to the floor when his familliar breath called me from my trance.

"Baby! There you are! Why are you out here? Don't you have a test?" He chuckled before walking over and wrapping his arms around me. All of a sudden a warm feeling flooded my frame, the safeness and security his presence brought me bringing my frame back down from the horrid state it was in, i nuzzled into his neck.

"I couldn't do it... I just couldn't"

His smile seemed to have dropped at my frail and fearful state, his spark throbbing so hard i thought as though i could hear it myself.

"Oh beautiful... That's okay, there's always another chance... Come on, lets get you back to somewhere comfortable."

Once we made it back to my little room on the corner of the foyer we met in, he sat me down on the couch and grabbed me a cold drink of water. Once he made it back and handed it to me with a smile.

"So uh yaknow i was thinkning" suddenly his facial expression turned flustered and he looked to the side, rubbing the back of his neck. "There's this ball going on at the end of the week and well... Considering i really wouldn't want any one else to be there with me... Will you be my date?"

I looked up to him and let out a loud laugh before flinging myself up and onto him. "Oh primus you're so adorable! Of course I'll be your date! I could just snuggle you forever and ever!" I squealed and kissed him softly, he giggled a little and kissed back before pulling away "Actually i think we can just settle for that."

I giggled a little and nuzzled his nose with mine before sighing "My life would be nothing without you..." i mumbled and he smiled widely. "You're so sweet my little giggle" He smile and i giggled before pulling him down on the couch with a sigh. "Not as sweet as you my love"

//I am so sorry for not updating in so long. I just, i was going through a bad time and i didn't have the motivation. I might not be back on track just yet but i will do my best. Thank you all for staying with me!//

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