The morning fluff.

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I smiled widely as he stood in my small kitchen type setting, cooking pancakes for the both of us this morning... Sometimes i don't realise how much this mech really means to me. I walked over to him slowly and wrapped my arms around his waist with a small sigh, nuzzling into the back of his neck as i revealed into his heavenly warmth. 

"Morning gorgeous" He hummed with that sweet smile. I giggled a little and nuzzled him once more.

"Morning handsome" i mumbled in return before squeaking as he turned around and picked me up, sitting me on the bench before nuzzling into my neck gently. 

I smiled at that and wrapped my arms around his neck before pampering his shoulder with kisses, why is he so cute!! I smiled as i felt him and his tiny kisses travel up my neck before pulling me into a soft kiss. I laughed a little to myself but kissed him back more then happily. When he pulled back he fed me tiny miniature pancakes.

"Look they're tiny and cute! Just like you!"

I laugh "Tiny? I think not"

He whined a little and smothered me in kisses "Come on! You're cute at least"

"Nope" i laughed and shook my helm, he grumbled playfully and stole a kiss quickly.







"Ugh I'm not arguing! You're to dam cute to argue against!"

"Yay" i giggle softly before kissing his nose, He groaned a little and huffed.

"Primus offline me now"

I just laughed once more. This is so much fun.

//Just some fluff for my lack of updates! Sorry yall!//

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