Take a chance.

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I was shaking in my seat.

Sweetspark? Oh frag I'm going to faint.

I laughed a little nervously as i tried to brush the whole dying inside thing away, yeah it's not really working but it's worth a shot!. I shook my helm a little and willed my fragging servos to stop shaking before looking to my lap.

"I don't think that's accurate a-at all"

He laughed at the and i felt my spark skip as i once more tried to contain myself but it really wasn't easy when he's so fragging... Ugh i don't have words!!!.

"Actually I've seen you around... Helping others when you can and making sure to take the time out of your day to make others comfortable... That's the definition of sweetspark if I've ever heard one"

I shied away slightly in my seat.

"N-No... That's just something any normal bot should do when they see someone looking lost... It's not only in their best interest but their own"

I looked up to see the award-winning smile dressing those soft looking dermas... The bots around me had no idea how much i wanted to tackle this mech and kiss the processor out of him. I felt like i would do it without shame as well.

"And recognising that makes you all the more so"

Can this mech get any more charming? I felt my stomach float and my vision go dizzy.

Oh no not again.

My breaths became more rapid and my frame began to heat up a little, i struggled to move and i fell off of the chair onto my aft.


I looked up to see Ratchet's faceplate examining mine, my optics rolled into the back of my helm as i mumbled incoherent words. I felt as if everything around me was swirling and i couldn't control my body. There was a lot of shouting, Ratchet telling bots to move objects out of the way so i didn't hurt myself. This is so embarrassing... I can't believe i forgot to take my pills this morning.

I was left panting on the floor as i felt my body relax, my limbs fell to the floor and Ratchet dropped to his knee struts beside me.

"...y... Hay? Hay, it's alright... Just look at me. That's right"

I looked up into his optics as i felt tears lace mine, i was so embarrassed and i felt like i should have just died where i laid. I had the condition... It's called epilepsy. If i don't take specific medicine then it can cause me to have a seizure... Sometimes i wish i was never born and others I'm glad i was so my younger siblings didn't inherit this themselves.

I was brought back to my surrounding as i felt Ratchet cup my cheek a little and turn my helm, he sat me up carefully before handing me a pill and a cup of water. I wiped my intake of the white foam like oral fluid before taking the pill quickly, a few minutes later i looked to my lap... Unsure of what to say... Would i even be able to speak? And if so then what would come out of my intake? I was ashamed and utterly humiliated.


He laid his warm comforting servo on my back gently before rubbing up and down as i symbol of comfort, I just looked away as i tried not to break down in tears. Another unamusing overly annoying habit i had.

"It's alright... I know what you're going through and i know it can be hard... Don't beat yourself up... It's not your fault and there's nothing you can do about it."

I looked up from my lap and into the future medics optics, mine still coated in tears.

"B-But I'm a f-freak"

His optics widened and he looked almost horrified. Told you... Freak. But what he did surpirsed both me and the people around me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me into his lap and hugged me like i was a teddy bear and he was a toldered sparkling. I couldn't stop the tears now so as they flowed i hid my faceplate in his neck, just to conceal my red and puffy faceplate from the outside world of judgement. I heard the godlike chuckle as he nuzzled into me a little.

"Don't ever say something like that... You are nothing short of amazing no matter your frames current condition... Honestly i think you have to be one of the most sweet, gorgeous absolutely breathtaking femmes I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You may have a... Small aspect of you that is different but that's what makes you you"

I looked up to him and laughed.

"You've only known me an hour!"

He smiled.

"And i already know you're the strongest of us all"

I giggled a little and he only smiled, pressing a soft kiss to my nose before nuzzling into my neck only making me giggle once more.

"Ratchet that tickles!"

"Well I'm a doctor and i know what's best! Now i think i have to prescribe lots of cuddles... Yeah i think that would be the best of ideas"

And just like that i was picked up, thrown on the nearest empty couch and snuggled until i could no longer feel my legs. I didn't stop laughing the whole time and when he stopped he looked into my optics before kissing my nose once more, i blushed but giggled and pushed the mech's faceplate away.

"I hate your guts"

"I know you mean love~ Wait love my guts? That's a little weird... Maybe you need more snuggles. I don't think your processor is quite right just yet"

He leant down but i slapped his faceplate away playfully.


His smile dropped as he stared before the whole room erupted in laughter, i hid my blushing face in my servos. Well this was... Eventful. He looked down to me and nuzzled in between my servos before resting his forehelm against mine.

"Will you go out with me? I mean I'd love to take you to dinner sometime... Maybe a movie... Ice skating. Anything you wanted. I would love to have to out with me... I have never met anyone so worthy of affection"

I was a blushing mess now but i nodded before kissing his cheek quickly only to jump to a stand and run off.

"See you at eight!!"

And that my friends is how it's done.

Sometimes all you need is a change. (Ratchet x reader)Where stories live. Discover now