gotta get out

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Sally POV

Luke, Ashton, Calum, sama Michael mulai muncul lagi diatas panggung sambil bawa alat musik masig-masing. Mereka sedikit ngobrol basa-basi sebelum nyanyi lagu yang mereka buat sendiri.

Gak, lebih tepatnya, Calum yang buat sendiri.

"So this is, Gotta Get Out" kata Calum.

Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the Earth is crumbling around my feet

Lagi-lagi, lagu di mulai oleh Luke trus dilanjutin Calum.

Even when we try to say goodbye
And you can cut the tension with a knife in

Cause I know what will happen
If we get through this
If the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees then baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out

It's crumbling down right now, it's crumbling down, Luke.

And if the skyscrapers, tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out

Cause I feel so damn lost
And it comes with the cost of being alone

Yea, you're now as lost as I am, Luke Fucking Hemmings.

Everything is falling down, we’re suffering
Helpless thoughts and out we sing, prayers go to the sky

Everything seems falling down and no one else us feels that. We're just helpless and sing prayers to the sky.

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees then baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out
Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers, tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out

Even the skyscrapers tumbling down, crash around, just like us. We are crashed and messed.

And if we fall It’s not your fault

Ofc it is, ofc their fault, stupido.

Shadows covering Our selfish foes
And as our love Can go out on a high note

Wait, what if we just gotta get out from this fucking shade that covering us because of their selfish, I mean our selfiesh foes? Yea, they're our foes now.

Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the earth is crumbling ’round my feet, around my feet

We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out

Then, c'mon.

Semua orang di hall tepuk tangan, termasuk gue.

"Thank you for having us. Have fun!" kata Ashton yang udah berdiri di sebelah Luke.

"CHEERS?" tanya Michael sambil mengangkat gelas plastik merahnya, entah darimana.

"CHEERS" teriak satu hall sambil ikut angkat gelas masing-masing.

Mereka berempat jalan balik ke backstage yang ngebuat orang-orang mulai sibuk sama urusan masing-masing.

Gue meneguk gelas gue yang isinya minuman bersoda sampe habis, trus gue taro di meja yang ada di deket gue.

"Hey, Sal" sapa seseorang yang lagi gak mau gue temuin.

Act normal Sel, act normal.

"Hey.. Frans" sapa gue balik.

Tarik napas

Buang napas

"Btw, cie yang dah gak jones. Congrats loh.. Beth juga" kata gue sambil menonjok pelan lengan Frans yang ketutup sama tuxedo nya.

"Hahah, thanks. Lu sendiri? Kapan nih?" tanya Beth.

Kapan-kapan sampe gue ditembak Louis.

"Gatau nih heheheh"


"Well, good luck nyari pacar wkwk. Gue kesana dulu ya" kata Frans sekaligus pamit.

Gue cuma ngangguk sambil senyum.

"Gak cape tuh senyum mulu?" tanya seseorang yang tiba-tiba udah di sebelah gue, senderan di dinding belakangnya.


Segini dulu heheheheheheheh

Nash xx

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