Part 26

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I looked to my left, Rick looked at me. He got to his feet and helped me to mine. Bullets passed me, one scraping my shoulder. We raced into the main building of the warehouse, closing the door behind us. Carl and Enid pushed shelves to block it. Murphy, Bellamy, Clarke and Alicia were doing the same at the other end.

"We have to go!" Murphy shouted, racing over to us, "They have too many guys and too many guns. They have rocket launchers and grenades. And countless machine guns. We need to go."
I looked at him, his head bleeding, his arm scraped, "Is anyone hurt?"
He shook his head, "Not yet." I turned around, my crossbow ready, I heard Murphy following me, "We can't win this. We're trapped in here. We need to leave."
I peered through the wooden slats that were a replacement window, there were walkers walking in courtyard, trapping us in. I looked at Rick, I shrugged, "The kid's right. We have to go, Rick."
Rick nodded, and then he looked at Murphy, "Alright then, I just need to get some stuff and thangs and then we can go."
Murphy shook his head, "We don't have time for that. We go now."

I looked towards the girls, they were all standing, guarding the two doors. I could hear something, something above the chatter. "Shut it," I yelled, Rick and Murphy looked at me, but I looked towards the doors. I muttered, "Somethin ain't right." The girls were still talking about something. I could see a light coming from the gaps in the doors, a whistling noise. I shouted, "Get away from-"

The doors flew off. The ground shook, I almost fell. The girls flew back into the ground. Smoke and fire pooled in. The white noise ringing. I regained my balance, Rick stood with me. Murphy laid on the ground in front of us, I ran up to him and pulled him up, looking at his face, "You good?"
Murphy nodded, "Yeah, we need to go."
I nodded and raced down towards the explosion. A walker walking through the fire towards Clarke, I barged it into the ground, stabbing it in the neck. I turned around and pulled Clarke up.
Clarke nodded, "Thank you."
I nodded, "Get Alicia and go with the others."
Clarke raced over to Alicia, who was laying on the ground, her head bleeding, but she looked alright.

"Help us!" Melody screeched and I turned to see a shelf crushing Riley's leg, she was screaming in pain and Melody's leg was also damaged.
I raced over to them and looked behind me, "Rick! Bellamy! Murphy! Get over here."
I put my hands on the hot metal, burning my fingertips, I grunted in pain.
"Here," Melody said as she took her top off and handed it me, she had her bra on.
I blinked in surprise and stuttered, "Th-Thank you."
I wrapped the cloth around my hands and gripped the shelf, Rick didn't hesitate as he stood in my right, but Murphy and Bellamy were taken back to see Melody shirtless. As was I.

"On three," I instructed as we all grabbed the shelf, me and Rick had Melody's back to us, but Murphy and Bellamy faced Melody's front. And his eyes were directed for her chest as she bent over, gripping Riley's hand. I looked at Murphy, "Focus."
Riley weakly grunted, "Don't look at my girlfriend, Dick."
Murphy averted his eyes.
"On three," Rick repeated, "One," we all securely grabbed the shelf, "Two," preparing to lift, "Three!" We heaved the shelf up, my arms taking the weight, my biceps burning. Riley screamed as Melody dragged her out from the shelf. Gunshots sounded from the right of us. Carl, Enid, Clarke and Alicia stood firing at the walkers. We dropped the shelf with a grunt. I ran up to the girls and put Riley's arm over me. I looked at Melody, "I got this, go."
Melody kissed Riley on the forehead, "I love you."
Riley smiled, "I love you too."

We all took off running towards the basement, down the stairs. "This way!" Nick shouted as he climbed over a crate, the others had already gone. He looked at us, "They will think we left through the gate, not the crates."
Carl and Enid, Clarke and Alicia clambered over the crates. Murphy, Melody and Imara helped me lift Riley over them.

Rick raced to the front of our group, Maggie, Carl with Judith, and Enid with him. Followed by Raven, Tori, Bellamy, Nick, Alicia, Octavia, Murphy, me and Riley, Melody and Imara. We raced through the sewers, water splashing at our feet. We kept running through the darkness, walkers not far behind. The tunnel came to a stop. A white wall with a big glass window cut the tunnel off. To the left of it was a hatch with a ladder. It was high up. "Use the hatch!" I yelled.
Rick saw it and started to help the weak up the ladder, all of them landing in front of the glass window and continuing on into the darkness. Everybody had disappeared but me, Riley, Melody and Imara. I rested Riley against the wall, "Wait here and I'll pull you up."
Riley nodded, her forehead was sweating and she looked weak. I quickly climbed up the ladder, my legs rested on a thin ledge as I held my arms out for Riley to grab, Imara pushing Riley up the ladder. I grabbed her arms and pulled her in. As we landed on the ground below us, we heard a gunshot.

We both looked at the glass. Melody laid on the floor, her leg pooling blood. Imara jumped off the ladder and fired at the shooter. Walkers came towards Melody. She fired and fired, taking them down but there was too many.

Riley looked at me, her eyes wide, "We've gotta break this glass. We can't let her die."
I turned around and saw a chair, I picked it up and started smashing the glass with it. But the glass didn't break. Imara stood frozen. Riley banged on the glass screaming, "Help her! Help her!"
I kept swinging, grunting and cursing at my failed attempts.

The glass cracked.

I kept swinging.

Riley kept screaming.

Melody ran out of fire. She hit a walker over the head with her gun, beating it to death. Walkers fell on top of her.

The glass smashed.

But her screams filled the air. We were too late.

"GO!" Melody screamed, blood pouring from her legs and arms, "GO-O, Please, GO!" Her screams were blood-curdling, tears pouring down her face. Her screams on constant loop. She locked her eyes on Melody, "I-I," she screamed, "Lo-o-ve yo-ooAAHHH. GOOOO!"
Riley shook her head, crying, "No! No! No!" Melody raised her gun, firing at the walkers and I raised my bow, following her lead as she unleashed a storm of bullets into the walkers, never missing target. Melody laid there, crying. Walker after walker dead.

Riley ran up to Melody after killing the final walking, she crouched down next to her and put her hands over the blood pouring from her shoulder. Melody grabbed Riley's blood soaked hand, looking her in the eyes. I felt tears in my own as I stood at Melody's head. Melody's eyes fluttering, as she weakly mumbled, "I told you to go, you need to leave."
Riley shook her head, crying, "No, I'm not leaving you. You're going to make it, okay? We'll get Clarke to stitch you up and you can beat the fever-"
"No," Melody weakly said, "I'm tired, Riley. This is it," she opened her eyes and smiled, "I'm going home. I'm going to see Newt and my mum... I love you, Riley."
Riley put her left hand on Melody's face, still holding Melody's left hand with her right, "No, you have to wait, please. I know you're tired, but please don't sleep.... I can't bare to let you leave... please."
Melody's eyes were shut and she was unresponsive.
Riley stared at her face, her blue eyes filled with water. She knew she was gone and so did I. I put my hand on her shoulder, "I can do it, if you want."
Riley shook her head, "No, no, it wouldn't be right." She looked up at me, "Thank you, but I have to do this."
I nodded and was about to turn around to give her privacy when I felt her grab my hand, Riley looked at me, "Don't leave, not yet."
I nodded, I didn't know what to say. I held back my own tears as I watched Riley kiss Melody on the forehead, she took off Melody's necklace, it was a golden heart locket, and placed it around her own neck and she removed a bracelet off of Melody's wrist, it was made from rope and had a music note on it, she added it to her large collection on her left forearm, which finished halfway up. Riley raised her gun and placed it against Melody's temple, "May you find home."

Author's Notes: I hope this chapter was sad. Riley is going to be an important character in this story and you're going to see a lot more of her. Daryl, Murphy and Riley are kind of the main trio. They are the main story-line (I suppose).

Then the secondary storylines are probably Carnid, Clexa and Octavia&Nick.

Then Maggie, Richonne, Bellamy and Raven are not as prominent.

Also there's going to be a special guest next chapter. Hopefully you'll feel more sad. And maybe a little confused. But there's going to be more Daryl chapters.

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