Part 28

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"Daryl, is that you?" A voice called from behind me. Beth was gone, of course she was. I know she ain't real. I still dream about carrying her dead body in my arms, right before Glenn gets his skull bashed in by Negan. Beth is just my subconscious, but I can't help feeling guilty for the lives lost. And Negan is dead, so what's left to fight for? Lil Ass Kicker.

"It is you," the voice said and I turned around to see her standing there. Her grey hair blowing in the wind.
"Carol?" I asked in disbelief.
Carol smiled and pulled me into a hug, "Daryl, I heard what happened. I saw what happened. What those people did to your warehouse. But I'm here now, Okay?"
I looked at her, "What are you doing here? Ain't you meant to be with Morgan and the others?"
Carol slowly nodded, she had let go of me, we stood centimetres apart, "Well, I, I decided to come back. You'll need me when the bay comes. I saw what happened with that girl. You tried your best, Daryl. And I know that you need to feel this, you can't bottle it up and hide it... hell, I can't even do that anymore."

I looked at her and nodded, I sat against a tree, my legs to my chest, playing with a piece of grass in my fingers, and she joined me, tears filled my eyes, "It just keeps happening, Carol. I try my hardest, yknow, to save people. To look for them, to keep them safe... but I can't. And I miss them, Beth, Glenn - I miss them and it hurts like hell. And you," I looked at Carol, "You keep goin off and leavin us. I need you, Carol."
Carol nodded, she pushed some hair from out my face, "You're right, I do, I do keep leaving you. But not anymore, I'm here, Daryl. And I get it, I really do, how you're feeling-"
"Nah," I shook my head, "I get it, why you wanna run away. I would if I could, but I can't. I've got to protect Rick, Judith, Carl. I never asked for that. All I ever wanted was family, but I keep getting them-"
"No," Carol cut me off, "No you don't. You are a good man, Daryl, okay? A good man, you hear me, and I don't want you to blame yourself. You can feel shit, you can scream, you can cry. But don't ever blame yourself."

I slowly nodded, wiping tears from my eyes, I looked at her, "So, how did yer see what happened?"
Carol looked at the floor, explaining, "Well, I was on my way to find you, Maggie is due any day now and I didn't want a repeat performance of Lori. So I got a horse and rode all the way over here. By the time I reached the warehouse, it was smoking. So I rode into the forest, and whilst I was there I heard you guys talking. The blonde girl and the kid with black hair, brown eyes, and they were talking about the girl - Riley, I think it was - and then I came to find you." She paused and looked at me, "I heard you talking to someone. Was it Beth?"
I shrugged and muttered, "It's stupid."
Carol shook her head, "No, no, it's not. I still talk to Sophia sometimes. Tell her about my day, tell her I miss her."
I looked into her sad blue eyes, a tear rolled down from them and she wiped it away, "I'm sorry bout that, I believed she was out there... I wish I found her... but-"
"No," Carol dismissed me, "Don't apologise. We still found her, and at least you stayed. If Shane had his way, then we'd have never known either way. And I'm thankful for you looking for her. Never lose hope, Daryl, never."
I looked back at the floor, "If I never gave up looking for Beth, maybe she'd be here still."

There was a silence, I looked at Carol and smiled, "Judith misses yer. She said the cutest thing the other day."
Carol looked at me, smiling, "Oh yeah?"
I smiled, "Well, she was baking some, er, cookies with Carl, Enid, Imara, and she was making them and then they were done. So me and Rick and Michonne went to try some. Judith picked up a cookie and she spat it out and she said, she said, 'When is Auntie Carol coming back cos these cookies taste like walker shit.'" I chuckled, "We were all shocked at her language, so we told her not to say that word and she said, 'But I can't help it if it's true, Daddy said the same thang.'" I was still smiling, "Imara was pissed to say the least."
Carol smiled at me, giving a little chuckle, "Well, I do make good cookies. Remind me to stay away from Imara-"
I smiled, "Judith will be. It was true though, she can't cook at all. Judith ain't the only one that's missed your cookies."
Carol smiled, "I'll have to make some when we get some place safe."
I nodded, "You will."

We came to a silence, a peaceful silence. I looked at Carol, she was staring into the distance. I'd missed her a lot. I always did. I was glad she was back, she's the only one that knows me. We've been tight since day one. She's my rock.

"We should get going," Carol broke the silence, looking at me, "Rick and the others will be wondering where you are."
I nodded, "I'm sure they can wonder a little longer-"
"No, Daryl," Carol smiled, "As much as I'd like to spend more time under the stars with you, we need to get going." Carol then got to her feet and stood looking down at me, she held out her hand, "Come on, we haven't got all day."
I groaned and got to my feet, I stood millimetres away from Carol, she was about to walk away when I grabbed her hand and said, "Wait," I pulled her into an awkward hug and we separated, "I ain't ever been good at hugs and stuff, but thank you, Carol. Thank you for coming back, I've missed you."
Carol nodded and smiled, "I've missed you too," Carol planted a kiss on my forehead and we walked through the forest.

Author's Notes: Do you ship Caryl? I do, since Season 2!

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