Part 35

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"Is this how it's going to be now?" I asked Riley, we were sat in the middle of the forest as she mended her makeshift bow, it'd been a week since she lost Melody and Riley hadn't said a word. Not to me, not even Daryl. I watched the blonde girl, tying string and bending sticks, her blue eyes focused on the task at hand. Her lips silent and unmoving.

"I get it," I softly said, "When I lost E-my girlfriend, I was so angry and sad. I hated myself, even more than usual. She was the only good thing to me. Everybody else could go fuck themselves, they still can. Don't get me wrong, Clarke and Bellamy can be cool, but I know they still resent me, even if I saved Clarke's life." I paused and looked at Riley, she'd stopped working, she'd been listening to my story, sat on the tree stump opposite me as I leaned against the tree opposite her. I looked at her and sadly said, "I get how it feels to have everyone you care about die. Now, I may have not lost nowhere near the amount of people you have, but I know how it feels to have your whole world come crashing down and to feel like you have nobody. But that's the thing, Riley, you're not alone because you have Imara and Daryl and-" I cut myself off, and then continued, "You're just not alone, even though you might like to be, you're not. And not talking to us, that's not going to take the pain away. You'll still be angry with everybody, you'll still hate everything about this world. You'll end up like me."

"What are we going to do when the food runs out?" Riley suddenly said, her voice clear as day, but for some reason I had to ask her to repeat it. Riley rolled her eyes and got to her feet, she firmly repeated, "I said, what are we going to do when the food runs out?"
I looked at her, still surprised that she'd spoken, she stared at me, impatiently, "I don't know... hunt?"
Riley shook her head, "The animals are dying too. And we're heading someplace cold, so they'll be less animals."
I looked at her, "Then maybe we shouldn't head North, towards Canada, maybe we should be heading back South. They can return to Washington."
Riley nodded, "Exactly. The reason me and Mel didnt want to go North was because you can't grow anything and the animals are dying too. South is the best option, preferably somewhere that doesn't ever snow. Like Texas or Florida, but I'll settle for Washington." Riley looked at me, her blue eyes suddenly alive, "We need to find Rick."

* * *

We entered the backyard of the Cabin by hopping over Riley's makeshift fence, heading towards the backdoor of the cabin, which lead into Maggie's room. As we entered the yard, Bellamy came out of the shed, pulling his top down, his hair messy. "Bellamy?" I half-asked and Riley began walking towards him, I continued smirking, "Who you got in there? You and Clarke finally together?"
Bellamy rolled his eyes, "Shut it, Murphy, and no, it's not Clarke. We're just friends."
I cocked my head to one side, "Then who have you-"
I was cut off by seeing the woman walking out the cabin behind him, her golden hair free and wavy, messy and slightly knotted, her blue eyes a little bright, but then her cheeks turning pink as she looked at me and Riley. Imara stood in front of Riley, "Look, I can explain. Me and Bellamy, we, we just had a little fun that's all. Don't be mad-"
"Why would I be?" Riley cut her off, "Its your body, do what you want with it."
Imara nodded, speechless at Riley.
Riley looked at her, "Anyway, I came to ask if you'd seen Rick."
Imara just nodded, "Yeah, he was in the kitchen with Carl and Judith."

* * *

We walked through the bedroom and into the kitchen. Rick was playing peekaboo with Judith, both of them laughing with each other. Riley walked up to them, I hung back. Riley stood, leaning against the counters on the left side of Rick, she was fairly close to them. Riley smiled, "She's cute. I wanted kids one day, but I don't think that'll happen now."
Rick glanced at Riley, still playing with Judith, "Yeah, she is. And if you want kids, there's still hope."
"You believe that?" Riley asked, genuinely curious.
Rick stood up and smiled at Riley, "Yeah, I genuinely do. Everythang we're doing, is so that Judith and Hershel can have a future, one where they don't have to fight. Or at least, they'll be good at doing it. I prefer the former. But, it is what it is." Rick then picked up Judith and spun her round before holding her at his hip, he kissed her on the cheek and sweetly said, "Now you go and be with Maggie, take care of Hershel. Daddy and Riley need to have a talk, I love you."
Judith smiled, "I wuv you too." Rick put her on the ground and she ran passed me and into Maggie's room.

Riley looked at Rick, "You said you want a future for your daughter? And Maggie's son?"
Rick nodded, "Yeah, I do. And for any other children out there. And I'll let you into a little secret."
Riley raised her eyebrow.
Rick checked to see if Judith was out the room before confessing, "Judith isn't my daughter. But she was my wife's and I will raise her as my own. Because we look out for each other here. So if you ever have a child or want one, we will look after it as our own. And a child doesn't have to be yours to be yours. It's all about the future and children are it."
Riley nodded, "I agree, children are the future, but I think that if you want a future, the cold isn't the place to go."
Rick nodded, "I know that. We were never headin someplace cold."
Riley looked at him, she smiled, no anger present, "You lied to us, Alexandria is still standing, right?"
Rick nodded, "Sure is. We didn't know you, so we didn't want to just let anybody in. Truth is, we were doing supply runs, but Maggie wanted to come with and then we realised she was due to give birth at any minute, so we decided to stay with you. I think it's bout time we started headin home."
Riley nodded, "I agree. But can we come with you?"
Rick nodded, "Of course, you're one of us now and I don't think Daryl would let us leave you behind, not again." Rick then looked at me, "And I know we got off to a bad start, but you and you're people can come with us too."
I nodded, "I'll think about it."
Rick nodded, "Good. Well, I think we should leave at first light, get your things, I'll tell the others. We've got a long journey."

Author's Notes: I entered this story in #wattys2017 but idk what happens with it

I have no idea if Alexandria would still be standing or not, but in my story it is.

Also, I don't know what I've said in previous chapters but Rick told Riley (Melody and Imara too) that they were travelling since their old camp (Alexandria) got destroyed. This was a lie, the truth is that Rick was travelling with Daryl, Michonne, Judith and Maggie to find more supplies and to travel, like a holiday. They then found Alicia and Nick and then a few weeks later turned up at Chicago. Rick and the group would have probably been gone from Alexandria about two/three weeks when they showed up at Riley's. Then a week later The 100 showed up. A month passed with the Horde and now, in total, it's probably been about two and a half months since Rick and the group left Alexandria.

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