Chapter nine - He's Really Confusing!

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Chapter nine 

I woke up by ice cold water being poured on my face. I immediately jumped of my bed.

I wiped the water that got inside my eyes, I looked at the person who splashed me with water.

"You idiot! what was that for?!" I yelled, he laughed.

Of course I was angry I was sleeping peacefully and then he comes and splashes me with water.

I grabbed my pillow and started hitting him with it.

"Ow!... okay..okay you can stop." I hit him three times and stopped.

"You little son of a -.."

"Madison you better not be swearing!" my mum yelled across the hall, how the hell did she even hear me? was I really loud?.

Zach smirked while I glared at him. "Zach get out of my fucking room!" I shouted, I didn't care if mum or dad heard he ruined my perfect sleep and now I will get revenge on him.

"Geez.. someone's on there period," he was still laughing, this time I punched him on the arm and screamed in pain. This time I was laughing and boy did I enjoy it.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Man up," he rubbed the spot where I hit him.

"Now get out of my room!" I said pushing his out. "Wait why are even in my room?"

"I tried waking up but you didn't so I splashed water in your face and you woke up. But the reason I really came was because mum wants you downstairs"

I nodded this time I didn't push him out he went out himself.

I walked inside my bedroom and took out toothbrush and put some tooth paste on. I started brushing my teeth, I heard my phone ring I ran inside my room and found my phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" it didn't sound like a hello.

"Maddy is that you?" I heard my Aunty Vicky say.

I ran into the bathroom and spit out the foam in my mouth.

"Yes Aunt Vicky it's me. How come your calling all of sudden?" I asked.

"Oh Maddy I have very great news! I'm getting married!" my eyes widen, Aunt Vicky is getting married that's great news.

"Really? oh my god Aunt Vicky I'm so happy for you!" I screamed in joy. "Aunt Vicky can I call you later, I'm brushing my teeth." I didn't want to put the phone down but I had to.

"Of course sweet heart, but don't worry I'll talk to plenty of time today." I was slightly confused, why would she talk to me plenty of time?, unless if she's coming over to stay here?.

"Aunt Vicky are you coming over here to stay?"

"Yes you guessed it, I'll be coming over at 4:40pm anyway Maddy I better carry in with my packing as well, I'll see you later."

"Bye Aunt Vicky." I said smiling.

"Bye Maddy." I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom and finished what I was doing before Aunt Vicky called.

Few minutes later I finished and went inside my to fix my bed. Once I did that I went downstairs grabbing my phone on the way out.

I walked inside the kitchen finding mum, dad and Zach in the kitchen table. I sat next to Zach and Boris put my breakfast in front of me, pancakes and strawberries my favourite, although I do like bacon.

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