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"MISUN WAKE UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY," shouts the mother of Park Misun, a 17 year old student from Seoul, South Korea. Groaning in frustration the girl drags herself out of bed and gets ready for the day. She wanted to make a good impression on her first day in her new school so she put on her new uniform, actually brushed her hair, leaving it down so that it would fall down her back, and even put on some makeup. As she trudged down the stairs, still tired from her pitiful night's sleep she was greeted by her overly done up mother.

"Good morning, mother," The girl recited, stifling a yawn as she spoke. Her mother nodded before addressing her daughter.

"Thank you for looking nice today, Misun. Ki will drop you off at school this morning. You can walk home if you want because it isn't that far but remember you have practices to attend tonight. Call Ki after school if you decide you don't want to walk. I will see you later this evening," She spoke quickly and commandingly. Park Soo Mi was an important assistant at a large Korean entertainment company called SM Entertainment.

"Yes Mother," Misun responded. As quickly as she started talking Park Soo Mi was out of the door.

"Miss, your breakfast is in the dining hall if you wish," Ki said, entering the foyer that was previously filled by Park Soo Mi's commanding voice.

"I'm not hungry, Ki. Thank you, but let's just get going," She said, heading out of the door. Park Misun lived with her mother, who, after having Misun was abandoned by her father. Park Soo Mi would not be so easily defeated so she began to work so that she could provide for her only daughter. After working hard and saving for many years the two were now able to live a lavish lifestyle. Soo Mi even hired a personal butler to take care of her daughter while she worked to maintain the way that they lived. Misun sighed and stared out of the window on her way to her new school. They had just moved to Seoul from Daejeon due to her mother's promotion at the company she worked for. Misun had everything she could ever wish for, and more, but somehow she was still unhappy. She sighed once again as she watched the streets of Seoul pass by her window and soon enough they had arrived at her new school.

"Call me if you decide not to walk home today, Misun," Ki said as she exited the car.

"Thank you, Ki. I won't forget that that's an option," She smiled as the door shut. Turning to face the new school a sudden sense of dread filled her stomach.

"Relax, Misun," She whispered to herself before taking a deep breath and marching her way to the school. She quickly found the main office and entered, hoping to find someone to direct her to where she needed to be.

"Hi," she greeted the woman at the desk, "I'm Park Misun and I'm a new student."

"Good morning, Miss Park! I guess you're wondering where to go. Well let me get you your schedule and find someone who can escort you for a few days while you get used to the school," The woman said, looking through some papers on her desk. She found the paper with Misun's schedule on it and handed it to her.

"Wait here just one moment," She said before heading into another room. Misun looked around the office and waited for the woman to return. After a short while she returned with two boys behind her.

"Boys, this is Park Misun. Miss Park, this is Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. They have similar schedules to yours and will be your escorts for the week. Boys, I expect you to take care of her and show her around, Ok?" She said. The boys agreed and bowed in respect before leading Misun out of the office.

"She's so formal. Don't call me Jung Hoseok, I'm J-Hope," The shorter one said, grabbing Misun's schedule from her hands.

"I'm Kim Namjoon but you can call me Rapmon," the other one said. He too took a look at the girl's schedule, comparing it to his own.

"'Similar schedules' the woman says. We have the same classes for the first half of the day," The one called J-Hope said to the silent girl.

"And the second half with me," The other one commented. Misun nodded and quickly tried to remember the names they had told her to call them by but couldn't quite remember what the taller one had said.

"I'm Park Misun," She said while bowing, "Please take care of me. I'm sorry, I forgot your name already."

"I'm Kim Namjoon or I also go by Rapmon but just call me whatever you can remember," he said, laughing at the girls antics.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked.

"Nothing, you just remind me of our Maknae, Jeon Jungkook," The one she now remembered liked to be called Rapmon answered.

"Maknae? Are you in a group?" She asked the two boys in front of her.

"We are in a the trainee phase but yes, we are in a group. There's five other boys in our group. Some of them come to this school too but some of the others go to a smaller school further away, like our Maknae," The one that went by J-Hope answered.

"So that explains the names," She murmured to herself. Soon the warning bell rang and Rapmon left for his classes while J-Hope led her to the class that they were in. The teachers all made Misun introduce herself in front of the class but she ended up sitting next to J-Hope in almost every class. She got weird looks from some of the other girls but she attributed it to the fact that he was a trainee and, since it seemed they were leaked or close to debut because they openly admitted to being trainees, probably already had fans. When lunchtime came J-Hope led her to the canteen where he said he'd introduce her to the other members that attended this school.

"Hey guys, this is Misun. Rapmon and I are in charge of her this week cos she's new," J-Hope said, leading Misun to sit next to him at a table with 3 other boys. One of them she recognized as Rapmon and she waved at him and smiled. He smiled back before she turned her attention to the two new boys.

"Hello, I'm Park Misun. Please take care of me," Misun recited, bowing her head from her sitting position.

"Isn't she like Golden Maknae," Rapmon said, talking through a mouthful of food and gesturing at the shy girl.

"You're right, Rapmon. Hi, I'm Min Yoongi but call me Suga," the one sitting on her left said. She bowed slightly to him and turned to the last unfamiliar face sitting across her.

"I'm Kim Seokjin but just call me Jin," He said, smiling at the girl. She nodded her head and did her best to remember the two names just given to her. The four boys began talking and eating while Misun felt very out of place. The boys talked and joked like they were brothers and she felt as if she was intruding. She looked down at her lap before a whisper from next to her startled her.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" The one that liked to be called Suga asked after noticing that she wasn't eating.

"I forgot to bring a lunch," She said quietly. He nodded and quickly pushed the rest of his food in front of her.

"I've eaten enough. You should eat the rest. It's really good," he said. He wiped down his chopsticks before offering them to her.

"Oh, I can't take your food," she protested, remembering that he was a trainee and probably worked very hard, "you need it more than I do."

"I'm so full though. The rest is just going to go to waste if you don't eat it," he said, shaking the chopsticks in front of her face. She sighed and took the offered food, eating it gratefully.

"Eat well, Misun," He said before rejoining the conversation. After lunch hour Misun followed Rapmon around for her end of day classes. Like with J-Hope the teachers just assigned her to sit next to him because they assumed the two knew each other. After what felt like forever her last class of the day was over and she could go home to nap.

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