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Misun was going to tell him to just go but her mother was waiting at the front door when she arrived home.

"You have one hour right now to finish your homework before your work starts. You can do your homework at the dining room table," Soo Mi said before turning to head back inside. Misun kicked her shoes off and headed to the dining room, starting on her homework. She had barely finished when her mother returned with Ki and a sheet of paper.

    "This is your list. You will give me your phone now and you can have it back when you're done," She said, handing Misun the paper and holding out her hand expectantly. Misun sighed and turned her phone off before handing it to her mother. She looked at the list and instantly her temper flared.

    "I'd be lucky to have this list done by tomorrow night!" She shouted. Soo Mi glared.

    "You'd better get started then. Your last practice at Big Hit is tomorrow. I tried to cancel but something needing 48 hour notice. Anyways, Ki will drop you off tomorrow at 11 AM and pick you up at 1:30. You will come back home after that and finish whatever is left on this list by then. Have fun," She said, strolling out of the room with Misun's phone in her hands. Misun groaned out loud in annoyance before starting on the list. She worked for hours before she decided she had done enough. She got a quick shower and went to bed, forgetting to retrieve her phone but she was too tired to care. When she woke up the next morning it was 9:30 AM. Misun decided to check on her list and picked out a few things to do before she would get ready to head to Big Hit. As she was working she decided that she would ask her mom for her phone while she was at Big Hit in case of an emergency. When it was time for her to go she got dressed quickly before asking her mom. Surprisingly she said yes and handed Misun her phone before the pair left. When they had drove away Misun turned her phone back on and three messages and a missed call showed up. The missed call was from Jin and the three texts were from Rapmon.

    New Message:

    From: Rapmon Oppa

        They guy are all worried about you

    From Rapmon Oppa

        Hey, its Jungkook. I stole Rapmon's phone. You should hang out with us soon! We could cook you dinner on your birthday if everything works out! Hopefully we'll see you soon!  -Kookie <3

    From: Rapmon Oppa

        Yoongi shut himself in his room again. Jin's trying to talk to him. We'll let you know how it goes.

    Misun smiled at the text from Jungkook but frowned at Rapmon's last message. She felt bad that she couldn't figure out a way to make him feel better.

    To: Rapmon Oppa, Jin, Yoongi, J-Hope

        I'm on my way to the studio to negotiate my contract. My mom is keeping my phone on lockdown. I'll see you guys at school on monday.

    Misun quickly sent a group text to the boys whose numbers she had before putting her phone away. When they arrived at Big Hit, Ki gave her an encouraging smile before he left. She smiled back before entering the building and making her way to PD Nim's offer. She knocked on the door lightly and heard him call her in. She opened the door to see PD Nim at his desk with another man across from him.

    "Miss Park! Welcome. This is BTS's choreographer, Lee Kyung. You'd be working closely with him so I figured he could be here while we talked," PD Nim said as Misun sat.

    "Nice to meet you, sir. I am Park Misun," She said, bowing from her seat at the man next to her. He just smiled at her, saying nothing.

    "Here is the draft of your contract, Miss Park. I made a few changes to account for your desire to move into the staff dorms. Which I wanted to talk to you about, by the way. The room at the staff dorms that we were going to put you in flooded yesterday evening. That was the last empty room in that building it's going to take a while to repair. However, we have a vacant room in the trainee and Idol dorms. It's quite small but since it will be just you I figured you could just have it. Plus the trainee dorms are closer to the school you're attending," PD Nim explained. Misun quickly read through the contract, delighted to see that it was straightforward and flexible.

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