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The teacher accepted his story and let the pair off with a warning. He looked at Misun with a smirk that said you owe me and she just smiled back.

The exceedingly boring class felt like it dragged on forever but eventually he final bell rang signaling the end of Misun's second day at her new school. Somehow she had made it through two days without much incident and even managed to make a new friend or two. She smiled as she shut her locker and turned to leave.

"Misun!" She heard a voice shout from behind her. She recognized Suga heading towards her through the crowded hallway.

"Hi, Suga! Whatsup?" She asked to the rapidly approaching boy.

"Rapmon wants me to walk you home because he has a meeting straight after school. He also told me not to let you protest because he noticed yesterday that you have to walk past a few sketchy alleyways to get home," Suga said, not giving the girl a chance to protest. He just slung an arm around her shoulder and motioned for her to lead the way. Sighing in defeat she began to walk, knowing there was no way she was getting out of this one.

"Oh look, more than one wants into her expensive pants. What do those boys see in that slut anyways?" Misun heard a girl say loudly from a group somewhere behind her.

"Yah, ignore them, Misun. They're just jealous cos you're awesome and they're not," Suga whispered in Misun's ear as he noticed that the girl under his arm had heard the same thing that he had. She said nothing but nodded and kept her head high and kept marching forwards. Suga looked down in admiration at the girl beside him and continued to follow her. The pair made it out of the school's front gate before she spoke again.

"I have a pepper spray, Suga. You don't have to go out of your way to walk me home. I know you're probably busy so I can make it home safely," Misun tried to say and remove Sugas arm from her shoulder but he wouldn't budge.

"Rapmon would kill me if he found out I let you go home alone. Plus I want to get to know my new friend better. Today is our first of two days off so don't worry, I have no rush to be anywhere. Let's continue walking," Suga spoke, refusing to let the girl go alone. She sighed again and accepted defeat, letting herself begin to walk home.

"So why did you come to our school?" Suga asked, trying to fill the silence between the pair.

"My mom got a promotion at her company so we moved to Seoul and she had heard that it was the best school and it happened to be near the house that she bought," Misun explained, leaving out the fact that her mom was Park Soo Mi and that she didn't really want to move to Seoul in the first place.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked, choosing a less personal question.

"Black," She answered simply. He nodded trying to think of something else to ask.

"Why do you go by Suga?" Misun asked, taking Suga's silence as a chance to speak and find something out about the boy whose arm she was currently under.

"The company gave me that stage name. Before I became a trainee there I was a rapper under the name Agust D but PD Nim thinks that I'm pale and that my smile is sweet so they chose Suga. I'm not the biggest fan of it but I don't really have much say. I'd prefer to go by just Yoongi but it's not my choice. Rapmon got of better because they let him choose his stage name," Suga said. She noticed that he seemed to slur his words as he spoke, almost as if he was too lazy to actually pronounce them. She smiled at the small quirk, deciding it was cute before he asked her another question.

"Why were you able to watch our practice last night? We are trainees. No one is supposed to be able to observe us," Suga asked. She gulped as she had been dreading Suga being curious about her attendance of their practice the previous night.

"Oh, PD Nim knows my mom and they accidentally double booked the space so I was allowed to watch for a short while," She said, hoping Suga wouldn't question why she wasn't just moved or kicked out and given her money back. He just nodded and Misun silently thanked the Lord that he moved on.

"Did you leave many friends behind when you moved here?" Suga asked quietly. Misun seemed to think for a second before answering.

"I never really had friends before. I'm just not good at talking to strangers or maintaining friends that I gained previously. Honestly, I'm kind of overwhelmed with how easily you boys are accepting me into your group. Thank you for being so kind," Misun said. Suga felt a wave of compassion for the small girl under his arm. He too had a hard time making friends and in all honesty, he probably wouldn't have any if he hadn't been put in BTS.

"This is my house. Do you want to come in for a moment for some water? Maybe something to eat since you gave me half of your lunch?" Misun spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the two. She led Suga up the steps to her front door before unlocking it and entering. He looked up in awe at the large house in front of him for a few moments before Misun's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

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