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She noticed as she went to leave that it was getting dark out so she doubled checked that she had her pepper spray before beginning to walk home.

As Misun walked she looked around, peeking into shops as she passed them. She was deciding whether or not to stop at the bubble tea shop that she could see across the street when someone called her name.

"Misun!" She heard a girl's voice shout. She turned around and once again found herself facing Jisu.

"What do you want, Jisu? I'm trying to get home so I can do my homework," Misun said, already annoyed at the fake smile on Jisu's lips.

"I just want to know why you won't be friends with me, Misun. I just want to get to know you," She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yeah right," Misun scoffed. "Rapmon told me what you've done and I know you know who I am. Like hell I'm letting you get near me." Misun turned to leave when she felt a strong grip on her wrist. When she turned around she was shocked to see a scowl on Jisu's face.

"You bitch. I've been trying for a year now to talk to Rap Monster and the rest of the guys and you just waltz right in and instantly become friends with them. I won't have it. I won't! I don't go down without a fight, Misun. Just you wait. I'll drive you away from them. I always do," Jisu said, releasing her vice like grip on Misun's arm. She could feel bruises beginning to form but didn't say anything. Instead she just spat on Jisu's shoes and continued on her walk home. Misun heard an indignant screech from behind her and smirked to herself. The rest of her walk home was thankfully uneventful, though she did notice the sketchy alleyways that rapmon had been worried about. She arrived home without incident and walked into the house. No sooner had she closed the door than her phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and it was Rapmon.

"Hello?" she answered.

"You left alone? DId you get home ok? Are you still walking?" Rapmon asked quickly.

"I'm home safe and very much alive, Namjoon. I did run into Jisu on the way home though," she said casually.

"What happened?" Rapmon practically yelled into the phone.

"She just told me I could either be friends with her and help her get to you guys or she's going to 'drive me away' from you. Something like that," Misun said, remaining calm.

"I swear she's going to make me get a restraining order as some point. Don't go places alone anymore, ok? She's actually crazy and might hurt you for real. I'm glad you're safe. I gotta go now. Bye Mimi," Rapmon said before hanging up. Misun laughed at her protective friend and trudged upstairs to her room. She got a quick shower and changed into pajamas before doing her homework. She was finishing up a science worksheet when her phone started ringing again. Checking the caller ID she saw it was Suga and answered immediately.

"Hello, Yoongi," She said, smiling to herself.

"Hey babe," he said. She felt butterflies in her stomach when he called her babe.

"What's up?" She asked, curious at the sudden phone call.

"I just want to talk to you. Do you think I can stop by for a little bit? I'd be there in like five minutes," He asked.

"Yeah but not for too long. I'm tired," she said. Suga agreed, saying he'd be there shortly before hanging up. She tossed her phone aside and put away the science homework, pulling out her calculus book to get started on that assignment. She had gotten a few problems done when she heard her doorbell ring. She ran down the stairs and greeted Suga, letting him follow her to her room. When she sat back down on her bed she ignored her homework and instead trained her focus on the boy sitting next to her.

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