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After lunch hour Misun followed Rapmon around for her end of day classes. Like with J-Hope the teachers just assigned her to sit next to him because they assumed the two knew each other. After what felt like forever her last class of the day was over and she could go home to nap.

"Misun! Wait up!" She heard someone call after her. She turned to see Rapmon chasing her down the hallway.

"Oh! Hi Rapmon, thank you for taking care of me today," She said, bowing.

"You don't need to bow at me Misun. I just wanted to give you my number so we can find each other easily tomorrow. J-Hope wants me to give you his number too just incase we get separated tomorrow morning that way you can still find him," Rapmon said. She nodded and pulled out her phone and handed it to him. He did the same and she added her number into his phone as well. He handed her phone back to her and she thanked him again.

"Wait! Are you going to walk home? All alone?" He asked. She nodded and he fell into stride next to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Walking you home. You can't expect me to let you walk alone," he answered.

"Oh! You don't need to do that. You're too kind already for showing me around school. Plus I have pepper spray with me. I promise I'll be ok alone," She protested. Why was he going out of his way to be nice to her?

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't see you safely home? No buts. I'm walking you," he said, cutting off her protests.

"Thank you for being so kind to me, Rapmon," She said, bowing again. He caught her shoulder and stopped her.

"Stop bowing to me, ok?" he asked seriously. She nodded and he let her go, gesturing for her to lead the way. After a short while of silence she spoke again.

"Do you really consider me a friend?" She asked shyly. Rapmon looked at the girl walking next to him out of the corner of his eyes.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked carefully.

"Well you hardly know me. We only met today," she said slowly.

"I can usually tell right away whether or not I'm going to like someone as a person. You seem really cool and down to earth so I- WAAH" He shouted as he tripped over the uneven sidewalk. Misun watched has he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" She asked, rushing to his side and kneeling down.

"I'm fine, I just scraped up my hand pretty bad," He said, looking at his hand. It was true. When he fell his palm landed on a sharp pebbled and he had a substantial scratch in the middle of his had that was starting to bleed.

"Oh! You're bleeding!" She exclaimed, "we aren't too far from my house. Come on and I'll get you a plaster for that." She took him by the wrist and led him quickly the rest of the way to her house. When they finally arrived she entered quickly, missing the wide eyed look that Rapmon had given the giant house.

"Here, leave your shoes here for now," She said, kicking off her own shoes. Only then did Rapmon notice that she was wearing heels because she was now substantially shorter than she was a few seconds ago. She led him into the kitchen where she turned on the sink and stuck his hand under the running water.

"Keep your hand there. I'm going to get the antibacterial paste and a plaster. Rapmon began to protest about leaving him alone but she was already gone. He waited in silence and discomfort in the unfamiliar kitchen until a voice startled him.

"Miss Park what on earth are you doing in he- Oh. You're not Miss Park. Who are you?" The man who had walked in said.

"Um, I'm Kim Namjoon. Misun is getting me a bandaid because I cut my hand," Rapmon explained awkwardly, his hand still in the sink. He silently praised the Lord when Misun returned  with the first aid kit.

"Hello Ki, please don't tell mom that I brought him in. I just need to fix his hand," She said. The guy nodded and left the room.

"Who is he?" Rapmon asked.

"He's my personal butler," Misun said quickly. Rapmon opened his mouth to say something but Misun cut him off.

"This might sting," She said as she poured something from the first aid kit over the cut on his hand. He yelped in surprise and pulled his hand away.

"I did warn you," She laughed, reaching to take his hand back. He reluctantly let her take his hand into her smaller ones and this time she just gently dabbed it dry with a clean towel. Finally she spread some antibacterial cream on it and placed a plaster over the cut. She pulled out a wrap and wrapped his hand. After putting the first aid kit away she led him back to the front door and he turned to say goodbye and thank you.

"It's just a scratch, Misun," Rapmon laughed, waving his wrapped hand in the air.

"Yes but it's on your palm therefore it'll be longer to heal. This wrap will make it heal faster," she explained, standing in the door frame while he stood out on the porch, "but you're welcome."

"Make sure you bring a lunch tomorrow, ok? Yes, I saw that," he said, laughing at her shocked expression.

"I will. Thank you for walking me home again, Rapmon. I'll see you tomorrow." She said, bowing once again. He was about to tell her off for bowing when he heard a voice behind him.

"Misun who is this? A new friend?" Park Soo Mi said, examining the boy on her front porch

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