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"Who are you?" Misun asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm Jisu, nice to meet you," The girl said, sticking out her hand. Misun just stared at her.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" She asked the girl, who slowly lowered her hand at the rejection. She returned the smile to her face before answering.

"I want to be friends. You're new here and all so I thought you might want someone to help you make friends. Plus you only seem to be hanging out with boys. Every girl needs some girl friends," She said.

"No thanks," Is all Misun said before turning away from Jisu and walking the rest of the way to her class. Rapmon followed closely behind her after giving Jisu an intimidating stare.

"She's the one that know's about your mom, isn't she?" Rapmon whispered while the teacher's back was turned. Misun just nodded, hoping he would drop it and thankfully, he did. When the final bell rang the whole group met up to walk to Big Hit. Halfway through the walk, J-Hope separated from the group to grab the guys some clothes. When they arrived at Big Hit PD Nim was talking loudly to the receptionist but cut off when he saw everyone entering.

"Boys! Miss Park! Welcome! Are you going to be practicing now?" He asked Misun. She nodded and asked where she could change. He directed her to a bathroom and she left.

"You're here early, you three," PD Nim observed.

"We actually wanted to watch Misun dance for a while. She's apparently pretty good. Plus J-Hope is bringing us some clothes to change into so we won't be late for our schedule," Rapmon explained. PD Nim nodded before Misun reappeared.

"The boys informed me that you'll be dancing for them. Would you mind if I sat in for just a moment?" PD Nim asked.

"Not at all! Though, I'd hate to disappoint with my lack of technical skill," she answered. The boys protested her self criticism and PD Nim followed them into the practice room.

"What are you going to dance?" Rapmon asked. Misun scrolled through her phone for a moment before answering.

"I Like To Party by Jay Park?" She said, more like a question than a statement. Everyone agreed enthusiastically before she started the music. She was shy at first but eventually forgot about her audience and just had fun dancing. When she had finished Jin was the first to jump up and clap. She was startled by the sudden noise but laughed it off and bowed to the audience.

"That was lovely, Miss Park. Now if you'll excuse me Jin actually has a meeting," PD Nim said. He and Jin left and it was just Suga, Rapmon, and Misun in the room.

"I can do your guys' dance," Misun said once everyone who was leaving had left.

"How? You saw it like three times?" Rapmon asked in disbelief.

"I don't believe you," Suga said at the same time.

"Do either of you have the track on your phone?" She asked, smiling at the two boys.

"I do," Rapmon said. He handed her his phone and she plugged it in, waiting for the track to play. She danced what she could remember but there were a few spots where she made up some footwork. When she had finished Suga and Rapmon were staring at her, their jaws on the floor.

"How did you? When did you? NO FAIR THAT TOOK ME THREE MONTHS TO LEARN!" Rapmon shouted at her in english.

"I've been dancing for 10 years! I can pick up choreography pretty fast. Plus I don't have two left feet like you do," She answered calmly.

"Rude," Suga mumbled, not understanding all of their english.

"Aw, do you feel left out," Rapmon said, pinching his cheek. He pushed his hand away sharply before returning his attention to Misun.

"The footwork for the second chorus was wrong," Is all he said. She gave him a look and he raised his hands in surrender, "just saying."

Suddenly the practice room door flew open and J-Hope strode in with a bag in his hands.

"I'm your hope! J-Hope," He yelled, tossing the bag to Rapmon. The two left to change and before they left Suga yelled,

"Teach her the footwork for the second chorus!" J-Hope looked at her, waiting for an explanation.

"I figured out your guys' dance when I was watching it the other day and they made me dance it for them. They're upset because it took them a while to learn it and I picked it up pretty quickly," Misun explained. J-Hope's eyes widened at her.

"You picked it up by just watching?" He asked. She just nodded.

"I don't believe you, dance it again for me," he said, crossing his arms, sitting down in front of the mirror.

"Should I dance Jimin's part full out?" She asked. He simply nodded and began to watch with a scrutinizing eye. She started the music again and danced her hardest, trying her best to remember the proper footing for the second chorus. She felt like whatever she did was right but got no hints from J-Hope, as he kept his face steady the whole time. When it got to the part where Jungkook lifts Jimin she decided to have some fun and pull out her acrobatics, doing a backflip with a half twist. She was proud of herself for landing it properly and continuing seamlessly. When the music stopped J-Hope's mouth fell open.

"You did it correctly. All of it. How did you?" he didn't finish his question. Misun, tired from the exhausting danced flopped onto the floor, sprawling herself out in the middle of the practice room.

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