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She thanked him again before he shooed the group away, telling them to have fun.

They all walked into the practice room before the boys spoke again.

"You didn't tell us you were going to be the assistant choreographer!" Jimin yelled, running up to Misun and hugging her tightly.

"I thought it would be fun to surprise you guys," She answered, hugging him back. V and Jungkook both wished her a happy birthday before hugging her as well.

"Are you going to tell them?" Rapmon asked her in english. She shook her head.

"Not yet. Maybe after we have dinner," she answered. He agreed.

"Are you going to dance or what?" J-Hope asked like an excited little kid.

"I guess I am. What do you guys want me to do. An original?" She asked, already knowing the answer. When the guys all agreed excitedly she laughed and pulled out her phone. She decided that she would dance to her current favorite song, Heartbreaker by G Dragon. She had choreographed some steps for the verses but she liked the choreography in the chorus so she kept that. When she got to the first chorus J-Hope got up and started dancing with her. She laughed and smiled as he stumbled through the steps, obviously only half knowing the choreography. When she was done all the boys clapped.

"That was awesome!" V and Jin yelled at the same time. Misun smiled and bowed, laughing at her friends.

"It's your turn to dance now," She said, grabbing her water and sitting down. The boys played a quick round of rock paper scissors to see who would dance first and it ended up being Rapmon. J-Hope put on some music and Rapmon started dancing like a fool. It was obvious that he wasn't a dancer but he looked like he was having fun. Misun was beside herself laughing as the guys egged him on. After a while he stopped and bowed.

"I want to go next," V said, standing up. J-Hope chose some new music and V also danced ridiculously. Misun laughed at his silly facial expression as he danced. He stopped after a little bit and bowed as well.

"I'll go now. I actually can dance," Jimin said. He stood up and J-Hope played another song. He started dancing, actually doing some real dance moves. Misun was impressed when he did a flip thing where he twisted in the air. When he finished he bowed and she heard someone mumble that he was a show off. She laughed and Jungkook went next. He also danced extremely well, bowing when he was done. Jin and Suga refused to participate leaving J-Hope to dance last. He played himself a song before dancing. Misun was impressed by the way he moved. She was so impressed that she felt her mouth fall open a few times.

"You guys are great at dancing," She said once everyone had finished showing off. They laughed and thanked her before deciding that they should head back to the dorms to start cooking her birthday dinner. She agreed and they all left, saying goodbye to PD Nim on their way out. The walk to the dorm was full of conversation and laughter and Misun had never felt happier. As they arrived at the dorm Misun was dragged off by Suga into his room.

"What are you doing?" Misun asked as he shut the door. He turned around and smiled at her but didn't answer. Instead he turned to his drawers and pulled out a clean t-shirt, changing it quickly. Misun blushed as he pulled off his shirt, looking away to give him some privacy.

"What's going on?" She asked again.

"The guys want to decorate a little bit so they asked me to distract you. It also gives me a chance to give you my gift," he answered. He walked over to his closet and opened it, pulling out a small, wrapped box. He sat her down on his bed and told her to open it so she did. She pulled off the wrapping paper to see a small jewelry box inside. She opened that and it was a necklace. It was a beautiful, plain silver heart.

"Look at the back," Suga said, excitedly watching Misun open her gift. She turned the heart over and saw a tiny inscription on the back. "Y+M" it read. Misun felt tears well up in her eyes. She asked Suga to help her put it on and he gladly agreed. When it was on she ran to look at herself in the mirror. She lightly touched the silver heart hanging from her neck before turning around and launching herself at Suga, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing all over his face.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," she said between pressing kisses to different spots on his face before landing on his lips. He wound his arms around her waist and kissed her back enthusiastically. They pulled apart when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Suga said, not moving his grip from Misun. The door opened to reveal Jin, who told them that everyone was ready and that they should come rejoin the group. Misun and Suga agreed and followed Jin out to the living room area where they were met with a cheer of "Happy Birthday" from the rest of the guys. They all had on party hats and there were balloons strewn about the room along with streamers hanging from the ceiling.

"You guys!" Misun shouted, a huge smile growing on her face. She quickly hugged all of the boys before Rapmon spoke.

"We have to start cooking now. Anyone who wants to help come to the kitchen" He said, leading the entire group. Everyone decided to make their way to the kitchen and hang out and talk as Jin cooked. Occasionally he would receive help from one of the other boys and soon enough dinner was ready. Everyone sat around the small dining room table and began to eat.

"Misun, how does it feel to be so old?" V asked as they were finishing up their meal.

"Shut up! I'm only a year older than you," She answered with a laugh. Everyone else laughed at her teasing.

"Well if everyone's done we should clean up and move on to presents," Jimin said as everyone finished up their food. Jimin, Jungkook, and V all cleaned the table before everyone moved back to the living room and began to fight over whose present Misun should open first. After a few minutes of arguing they decided to play rock, paper, scissors and J-Hope won. He handed Misun a gift in a bag and she opened it to find a set of clothes.

"Thank you, J-Hope! This is so cute," She exclaimed. He smiled and told her it was for dance. She was then handed a gift by Jimin and V.

"We wanted to get you something together because we both wanted to get you this but we couldn't decide who should buy it for you so we bought it together," V explained. Misun laughed and opened their gift. It was a little polaroid camera and some film.

"Guys! This is so cute! I've always wanted one of these," She said, opening the package quickly and putting the film in. She made everyone scrunch together and take a selfie. As they waited for the film to develop she was handed a gift from Jin. He head gotten her a cookbook, saying that she should know how to make herself meals since she would be living alone now. Jungkook had gotten her the cutest pair of slippers that looked like monster feet. Lastly, rapmon handed her a small box with a necklace inside. It was a key on a long chain and on the key was engraved strength. There was a letter attached but he told her to read that later. She hugged everyone thank you and V yelled that it was time for dessert. Jin went to the kitchen and came out a few seconds later with a tub of ice cream with a candle stuck in middle and they all sang happy birthday to Misun. Misun smiled and blew out her candle, feeling the happiest she ever had. So many emotions bubbled inside of her that she couldn't help but cry.

"Oh! Misun are you ok? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, being the first to notice her tears.

"I'm just so happy," She said through a stream of tears. She felt herself being pulled into another group hug which only made her cry harder. When everyone pulled away she looked at the boys with teary eyes and a huge smile.

"Aw, Misun! We love you," Jungkook said and everyone agreed. Suga pulled Misun too him and hugged her tightly.

"I love you," He whispered into her hair. He felt her squeeze him tightly.

"I love you too, Yoongi," She said with a sniffle.

"Alright, lovebirds, we should eat this ice cream before it melts," Jin said, handing everyone a spoon. Everyone decided to just sit around and eat out of the tub while they talked. This went on for hours until the ice cream was finished and everyone was tired.

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