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"Misun who is this? A new friend?" Park Soo Mi said, examining the boy on her front porch

"Good afternoon, Mother," Misun recited, bowing to her mother. She was going to introduce Rapmon but he beat her to it.

"Good afternoon Miss Park, I am Kim Namjoon, it's very nice to meet you. I was assigned by the school to take care of Misun until she has learned her way around the school," Rapmon said, bowing to the woman who had startled him.

"He walked me home when he learned that I was going to be walking alone," Misun interjected shyly. She didn't want her mother to get the wrong idea. Thankfully they had talked for a short while on the porch so she wouldn't have seen him come out of the house. Suddenly a voice spoke from behind her.

"Here is the water bottle you requested for Mr. Kim, Miss Park," Ki said, handing Misun a water bottle. She silently thanked him a thousand times before handing the bottle to Rapmon. He gave her a what is this about look but she responded with one that hopefully came across as I'll tell you later.

"You better get going. I know you trainees have busy schedules," Misun said. She waved goodbye as he bowed to the two women, heading back in the direction they had come from.

"He seemed nice," Her mother commented before making her way inside. Misun followed her mom and watched her movements carefully for any indication that she had seen that she had brought him inside the house.

"You said that the boy is a trainee?" Her mother asked, turning to face her daughter.

"Yes, he's in a boy group, He has 6 other members but I don't know their name or what company they are with. I'd assume it isn't SM because he didn't know who I was or you are," Misun answered, anticipating the questions her mother would ask. Soo Mi seemed satisfied with the information she had gathered and made her way upstairs.

"Dinner will be at 5:45 so that you will have eaten something before you go to rehearsal," Her mother called as she climbed the stairs.

"Yes mother," Misun responded. She sighed after her mother's retreating back. She turned back around to see Ki smiling at her.

"What," She asked her grinning butler. He just shook his head and left Misun alone in the front hall. Misun sighed again and trudged to her room to hopefully take a small nap before she had to get ready for rehearsals. She changed into her comfortable dance sweats and flopped onto her oversized bed. She shut her eyes for a moment before she heard her phone go off.

New Message:

From: Rapmon Oppa

You didn't tell me that Park Soo Mi was you mother :O

To: Rapmon Oppa

I didn't know that I needed to

Misun quickly typed a reply, laughing at the contact card that Rapmon had entered into her phone. She turned her ringer off and shut her eyes again a quickly fell asleep. She was awakened some time later by gentle knocking on her door.

"Miss Park it's time for supper," She heard Ki say through the door.

"I'm coming," She replied, pulling herself out of bed. She quickly tied her messy hair into a bun so she would look mildly presentable. Before heading downstairs she grabbed her phone and noticed she had two new messages.

From: Rapmon Oppa

I was wondering how you had such a big house. You still owe me an explanation by the way...

From: J-Hope

Rapmon gave me your number I just wanted to make sure that you had mine. I'll meet you by your locker tomorrow. It's J-Hope by the way.

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