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"I like this side of you. Little miss rebellion has surfaced," Suga said. She just punched him playfully in the stomach but said nothing. She silently agreed that he brought out a rebellious side of her but she liked it.

Misun woke up the next day to her alarm going off. When she got up she checked her phone and noticed two new messages.

New Message:

From: Rapmon Oppa

    Do you rap? I want to write something for you

From: Yoongi

    See you at school. Make sure you bring a lunch.

Misun quickly answered both texts,

To: Rapmon Oppa

    I don't but I could try?

To: Yoongi

    Of course :)

Misun tossed her phone aside before changing into her uniform. She lazily tied her hair in a bun and skipped makeup, pulling on a pair of comfortable sneakers. She decided that she wanted to go straight to the studio after school so she quickly packed a dance bag, bringing it with her. Making her way downstairs she thought of something to bring for lunch. After checking the fridge she decided to make herself a sandwich, making a few extra for after class or if any of the boys wanted one. Just as she was about to leave there was a knock on her door, which startled her. She looked through the peephole to see Rapmon on her front porch. She pulled the door open and looked at her friend.

"I know Ki is out of town so you'd be walking so I came to walk you," He said, answering his friends question before she even had a chance to ask it.

"Let me grab my keys really quick and we'll get going," Misun said. She grabbed her house keys out of the dish on the table before locking the front door and walking with Rapmon.

"So how come you got through to Suga so fast?" Rapmon asked.

"What do you mean? I don't think I did anything special," Misun said.

"I've been friends with Suga for a long time, Misun. I've also seen him go through a lot. I'm not going to tell you much, that's his deal, but I will tell you that he hasn't even thought about girls since before he became a trainee. That was almost three years ago. I know something happened that affected him deeply and at some point it'll affect you but I'll let him explain it. When he hurts you, which will happen and it'll break him, please forgive him. I know I sound crazy right now but It'll make sense eventually," Rapmon spoke, sounding more serious than he ever had.

"Rapmon, what-"

"Call me Namjoon," he interrupted.

"But you said that-"

"I know what I said but now I'm saying call me Namjoon. Rapmon sounds so forced from you," He said, cutting her off again.

"Alright, Namjoon. What are you talking about? Is there something that I should be worried about?" Misun asked.

"You'll understand when the time comes. I have no doubts that he will open up to you soon," He said, shutting the topic down. The pair reached the school not long after and went their separate ways to class. Lunch rolled around and the boys talked as usual. Jin and J-Hope took Misun's offer for one of her extra sandwiches and she was left with one to eat after dancing.

"Are you walking home again today?" Jin asked, halfway through lunch.

"I'm actually heading to the studio right after school for practice. Why?" Misun asked, having an idea of why he would ask.

"I have a meeting after school. I'll walk with you," Jin said. She agreed and returned to her food. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Suga staring at her.

"Can I walk with you guys? I want to see you dance," Suga asked. She nodded her head at his friend and he repeated the question. All of the boys agreed that they wanted to see Misun dance so the whole group would head to Big Hit straight after school. J-Hope offered to take a detour to the dorms and grab practice clothes for all the guys so that they didn't have to all go back home before their scheduled dance. Lunch hour ended and Misun joined Rapmon and walked to their shared afternoon classes.

"Hey! Misun!" Someone from down the hallway called. Misun turned around and recognized the girl that had said something about her the first day.

"Who are you?" Misun asked, tilting her head to the side.

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