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That night she cried herself to sleep.

Misun was woken up the next morning by intense banging on her door, accompanied by her mother's shouts.

"Misun get up immediately," Park Soo Mi shouted. Misun rolled out of bed and opened her bedroom door to see her mother, "Ki returned early this morning. He will drive you to school and will pick you up afterwards. You'll have a list of chores when you get home." Misun shut the door again before starting to get dressed. She decided today was a 'fuck it' kind of day so she threw her hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to brush it. She skipped makeup and pulled on her uniform and a pair of sneakers. As she gathered her books from the floor and put them in her bag she felt tears prick at the sides of her eyes again. Swallowing the lump that was forming in her throat she went downstairs, meeting Ki and leaving for school.

"Did she dock your pay?" Misun asked somberly. Ki nodded before she continued, "I'm moving out. You can quit, Ki. It might open her eyes to the real world if everyone leaves her. You can stay if you want but you don't have to."

"I might," Is all he said. Misun dropped the conversation and the rest of the drive was silent. As Misun was getting out of the car Ki spoke again,

"I want to do you a favor, Miss Park. I know that you're moving into the Big Hit staff dorms so today I am going to pack most of your clothes away and take them over there. I'll leave you enough for the week and you can decide what of you decorations to bring. Don't try to tell me not to. I'm heading to Big Hit's studio right now to ask permission to do so and if I get a yes it will be done by this afternoon. Have a nice day at school."

    Misun stared at him in shock, tears forming in her eyes before she launched herself at Ki, hugging him tightly. He was shocked at the sudden action but hugged her back.

    "Thank you, Ki. Thank you so much. I'll repay you someday," Misun said. She pulled away from the hug and waved him goodbye before heading into school. She met up with J-Hope who gave her a big hug before they headed to class.

    "Did Rapmon tell you guys?" She asked as they wove their way through the crowded hallway.

    "Yeah he did," J-Hope answered. Misun nodded and didn't say anything else. They made it through their morning classes easily, Misun coming up with some way to get out of her unfinished calculus homework, before lunch hour. J-Hope and Misun were the first ones at the table and were soon joined by Jin. Jin sat down next to her and the three chatted comfortably until Rapmon and Suga joined them. Suga sat down on the other side of Misun and Rapmon sat next to J-Hope. Rapmon greeted Misun with a smile but Suga wouldn't look at her. He just pulled out his food and started eating. Misun tried to ignore Suga right back but she caught herself glancing at him often. Halfway through lunch Suga shoved the rest of his food in front of Misun and handed her his chopsticks.

    "Eat," Is all he said. Misun nodded and slowly began to pick at the food he had given her. As she ate she felt his hand gently place on her knee. She smiled to herself at his subtle action and continued to eat until the food was gone. When lunch hour ended he smiled at her before running off to his afternoon classes. Misun and Rapmon were headed to their classes when he spoke.

    "Are you ok?" he asked.

    "We will be," She answered. He understood what she meant. He had seen Suga give her his food and noticed the smile they had exchanged.

    "He's still going to feel guilty, you know," Rapmon said.

    "I'll make it up to him as soon as I can," She responded. In that moment Rapmon realized two things; that he wanted to protect Misun like a younger sister and that he couldn't think of someone to match better with Suga. He would make sure those two lasted if it was the last thing he did. Misun noticed that Rapmon was in deep thought so she let the silence settle over her. Afternoon classes went surprisingly well. As soon as school was over she had to run outside to meet Ki. She told Rapmon to tell the guys she'll miss them over the weekend and that she'd be able to hang out with them again soon. On the drive home she asked Ki if he had gotten permission to move her things and he nodded. Misun thanked him profusely but he waved her off, saying it was the least he could do before he departed. He promised not to quit until she had moved out. Misun was going to tell him to just go but her mother was waiting at the front door when she arrived home.

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