Chapter Five

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Ok, I know I'm supposed to be focusing on school and all but it's almost my birthday and I finished all my homework, so I hope you enjoy! Sorry bout the errors, misspellings and grammar issues!
Once again, enjoy!

Jaylyn's POV


I walk into the doctors office after the three mile trek. I sign in and sit down. The waiting room consists of three colors: white, light blue and yellow. The walls are white with blue outlines and yellow accents. The wait tables are a plastic blue and the chairs are yellow. The check in window table is white and room inside is white. The doors are wood.

"Jaylyn Shay?" A nurse calls out my name. I follow the short women back until we get to a white room with a turquoise type color bed thing. "The doctor will be with you soon." She smiles.

I nod with a smile.

I wait in there for about five minutes before my doctor, Doctor Richards, walks through the door.

"How have you been Jaylyn? Have your lungs caused you any trouble?" Dr. Richard asks with a polite smile.

"I've been good, my lungs have acted up a little but only when I do a lot of exercise or get worked up."

"Ok, that's normal. How many times a week do you say your lungs trouble you?"

"Mmm about 3 or 4 times on a good day." I count.

"Oh! That's not good. I am going to send you down for blood work and wait till the results come back and I'll call you in. It should only be an hour or so, so go eat or something." Dr. Richard says and shoo's me out of the room. I head to the third floor (Dr. Richard's office being on the fifth floor) and get blood drawn.

After I head to a place just up the street called Jump Start. It's a hole in the wall diner that no one really knows about. It's down a dark alley and the owners are millionaires sons.

"Yo! Eh, boys it's Jaylyn!" I hear the eldest brother, Joshua call out from the kitchen where he is cooking someone's food.

"Jay! What's up?" The youngest, Tyler, shouts from where he is waiting on someone.

"Nothin' waiting for blood work. How's business?" I ask back and sit down at the bar.

There are four brothers. Joshua, as I said before, Mason, Kendal and Tyler.

"Hey Ken, can I have a roast beef sandwich with the secret sauce?" I ask.

"Sure thing babe, anything for you. Coffee, sugar?" Kendal asks. He's a flirt, he flirts with anything that moves. He can charm his way out of any ticket or trouble.

"Yes please." I say and hand him twenty. "Keep the extra."

"Thanks sugar, it'll be ready in a minute." He puts down the glass he was cleaning. "Yo Josh! Sugar needs a RB with double Helix!" Double Helix, yes like how DNA is formed, is the name of the secret sauce. Imagine Arby's times a hundred.

About ten minutes later I have eaten, paid and made it back to the waiting room.

"Jaylyn Shay." The nurse lady from earlier calls again. "Welcome back, darling." She smiles at me, I flash one back.

I follow her back to the room I was in and see Doctor Richard already in there. The nurse lady knocked on the door and told Doctor Richard I was there.

"Ok Jaylyn," he sighs.

"Not good?" I say. I've been following the diets and exercising and reducing the stress. I should be improving.

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