Chapter Eighteen

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Jaylyn's POV

Waking up in the hospital had not been what I was expecting. Seeing all my brothers asleep on the floor nearly gave me a heart attack. Whatever happened before this moment, for the life of me, I couldn't remember. But that all changed when the aching in my ribs and face became predominate. Gideon hitting me popped into my head.

Not wanting to bother the boys, I close my eyes and bite my tongue, trying to keep my sounds of pain nonexistent. And that worked. For an hour or so. A nurse had come in and was poking and prodding. She prodded my sore ribs and a pain filled moan left my mouth. Her look of surprise was kind of humorous. However, she was quick to react.

"I'm gonna go get doctor Richards. Don't move. I'll have him bring some medication." She left quickly after that.

During our little one sided conversation, most of the brothers woke up. Ryder, Ashton and Silas were the only ones still asleep. I glanced away from them and looked straight ahead.

In the mirror I could see Raven stand up and lift his arms above his head to stretch causing the material of his shirt showing a small patch of his skin.

"Jaylyn? Are you awake?" I look at him and nod. "Do you want anything to eat?" He glances at the clock. "We still have like an hour or so more until breakfast is over."

I shrug.

"Ooh can we order something?" River asks excitedly.

"I don't know. It depends on what Jaylyn wants." Raven raises an eyebrow at me.

"No thanks." I say.

Raven shrugs. "I guess it wouldn't hurt if we ordered. What do you guys want? Should we wake the others up or just let them sleep?"

"Let them sleep." Silas shrugs then goes back to laying against Ashton.

Silas and Ashton tell Raven what they want, trying to whisper as to not wake up the others that are sleeping. When they are done telling Raven what they want, he calls down to the nurses station and tells the people there the order.

After Raven ends the call, the room is enveloped in silence, none of us saying any thing.

Ryder, Ashton and Silas slept until around noon. After that, they all started talking to one another, until Ryder turned to me.

"What happened? Gideon called us when he walked down the stairs and saw you passed out on the couch. We tried to wake you up but you wouldn't wake up." Ryder explains.

As if by magic, Gideon walks into the room right after that.

"Hey guys." He waves to the boys then turns towards me, a glint in his eyes. "Jaylyn, how are you?"

I shrug, subtitling shrinking into the bed. Wishing I could disappear or that he would so I wouldn't have to see or talk to him.

As if god heard my call, Doctor Richards walked in.

"Alright, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to speak to Jaylyn alone." Doctor Richards doesn't speak again until all of them left. "Ok, well good news is that your injuries won't kill you. However, I'm not sure how they'll affect you, you body or your organs. Seeing as your case is one that we're not sure what it is, it could cause later issue or it could just heal and pass. I do strongly suggest that you start taking the pain medication. Have you talked to your parents about it?"

"Yeah, they said no." I shrug. Doctor Richards takes a deep breath and then runs his hand through his hair.

"Very well. We are going to keep you for observation for two days. You'll be checked on every so hour." He checks my vitals and draws my blood before leaving, letting the others back in.

"So what happened?" I shrug to answer Rivers question.

"I don't really remember." The bittersweet aftertaste of the lie on my tongue assaults my senses.

Though they seem to accept that answer and begin to talk among themselves. Spotting my phone on the table next to me, I grab it. There was a message on there.

The next time you won't make it

The message from Gideon sends a shiver down my spine. Goosebumps pop up along my arms and cause the hair there to stand on end.

"Jaylyn," I look up at Raven, who had spoke. "Ashton's gonna get your stuff from school, he just needs to know your classes."

I tell them the classes that I had.

"You don't have a first hour?" Ashton asks, looking up from his phone. I shake my head. "Cool. Whats your locker and com?"

"2183, 47-15-2."


They go back to talking while I glance at the tv. The news channel was on. The news anchor was talking, however, the sound was muted so I couldn't hear what she was saying. I follow her movements as she points to where I'm guessing it's supposed to rain.

"Hello, is this the Shay family?"

"Yeah," Raven answers for us. Ryder and River, who were laying together, shuffled slightly away from one another.

"My name is Jacky, I'll be your nurse until tonight. I'm here to check your vitals, and Rachel, here, has your food orders."

A young girl, most likely in high school, walks in and places the order on the movable tray next to me. Jacky walks over to me and places the pulse oximeter on my finger. She checks all my other stuff before leaving. Then the brothers get up and get the food they ordered. I lay back on the bed. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath in an attempt to go to sleep.

I was just about to fall asleep when the sound of shouting took over the mumbling that was coming from the other side of the room. I jolt awake and look over to see the boys fighting over the remote while sitting of the furniture that occupied the room.

They continue shouting at one another until our parents walk in.

"Boys, go to café, and get some food." Mom says.

"We already ate." She gives them a look and they scramble.

"Jaylyn, sweetie how are you feeling?" Mom asks, coming to sit down on the edge of my bed.

I glance from her to dad then back to her before answering.

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