Chapter Six

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Just an fwi idk if this info is true or nah. I'm making it up as I go along for the sole purpose of an event that happens later.


"Alright, Jaylyn, how have you been since or last visit? Any unusual occurrences?" Dr. Richards asks me. I shake my head.

"Well that's good. Your blood results are here. It seems that your lungs are affecting your heart more directly. With the fact of the matter that you have been having at least two lung issues a day, it will eventually lead to lung failure with will inevitably push the pressure onto your heart. With that fact we aren't sure if you'll go through heart failure, which might be more likely depending on the amount of pressure before and after, before we have enough time to replace your lungs. This medicine is critical though. Do you understand?"

I hesitantly nod, very slowly. "Basically lungs fail, heart is a 70-30 chance?" My voice comes out scratchy.

"Kinda. The 70-30 isn't exactly true. More 60-40 chance."

"Heart failure, in other words."I lick my lips as I examine my future.

"I regretfully say that that is the most likely of the two outcomes."

I nod. "Thank you doctor." I shake his hand as I get off the examining table.

I numbly walk out to my parents, whom reside in the waiting room.

"How did it go?" Mom snaps at me.

"Fine." I mumble. She rolls her eyes and grabs my dads hand and walks out. "Lets GO Jaylyn."

I scramble after her before plopping my booty in her 2015 Chevy Tahoe.

"Alright, Jacob, lets hit the road. We have a date tonight." Mom shoots (bang) a smile over to Dad.

"Of course love, the Palace waits for no one."

"Oh! I love the Palace. They always make the servers dress up as old fashioned servants and the door greeting as the butler." Mom gushes

"Not to mention, the Valets dress as guards?" Dad gushes along her. "Oh, Jaylyn, I want to talk to you tonight." I nod even though he doesn't care to look.

"Get out. We're here. Tell the boys we'll be home late." Mom glares at me. I hop out. Mom doesn't even wait for me to get out before she's half way down the street.

I watch as she makes a left and then a right. I turn around and look up at the uninviting house-no mansion- that looms out in front if me. A shiver passed through me as I realize that some of the rooms in this house no one in my family has seen. There are passages running through every nook and cranny. They lead from the very tippy top to the underground caves to the outside garden to the 8 car garage.

I open the door and walk in. I continued walking towards the living room where I see my older brothers loitering around. They look up when they hear me and either roll their eyes and look back at the tv or just stare at me with a raised brow.

"U-um m-mom wanted me t-to tell you guys they'll b-be home late." I hate my voice. It's so...hideous. It's scratchy and I stuttered.

"Um...ok?" Ajax says. They all look surprised that I talked, well all but Ashton as he just turned back to the tv.

"Do you want some pizza? We have pepperoni and a plain cheese?" Raven offers.

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