Chapter Nine

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Can I have him?

3rd person POV

Jaylyn limps from the school, his once white shirt drenched with blood. His face it twisted in a grimace. Behind him, the dark school can only be seen from the glow of the moon.

"Ugh," a groan, one that shows true pain, rumbles from his chest.

Jaylyn drops to the ground as he clenches his stomach as it viciously rumbles.

"I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry." He repeats to himself till the grumbling stops.

For a second he just lies there, starring up at the dark sky. Thunder strikes as rain starts to pour down on him and yet, he doesn't move.

Something snaps inside of him. He eyes start to gloss over and soon the tears are leaking out of his eyes in an endless trail of water.

In the distance sounds can be heard. A dog barking, the rain pouring, wind chimes singing, crickets communicating, every now and then a passing car can be heart.

After what had felt like an hour to Jaylyn, he stops the endless tears that cascade down his cheeks. He slowly gets up and starts to carelessly make his way home, tripping over rocks and being blown in every directing by the wind. Jaylyn's teeth chatter as he picks up his pace.

It's too early to be 6 but not late enough to be midnight. He thinks to himself.

He continues to trudge home in the stormy weather when the wind speed picks up and takes him across the street then spits him back out at a tree. He lays there, breathing heavily as tears fall down his face.

Jaylyn's POV

All I can feel is pain. The wind is dangerous, it whipped me, a 106 lbs person, across a rode and into a tree.

I hop up and almost start crying again at the pain. I try to ignore it and run home. I run almost of the way but I'm out of shape so I end up panting while standing at the beginning of the gate to my house. I look up at the supposed to be dark house but see almost all of the lights on in the west wing. I breath in deeply before continuing my walk to the house. Another gust of wind hits and I quickly grab onto the gate. The wind passes and I quickly run to the door to avoid another gust of wind.

I open the door and run in, temporarily forgetting about my injuries before my knees give out and I lean against the closed door.

I sigh and stand up and start to walk towards the kitchen but stop when I hear voices.

"Haha, yeah." One of them laugh. "Ha, I love Bellamy he's sexy but I also love Lincoln."

"Haha, yesh," another, Ryder, states.

"Yesh? What's yesh?" Another, River.

"Yesh. Yes and yeah. Duh, don't be so blond River." Ryder says and soon the kitchen is filled with laughter.

I try to walk past the kitchen, going the long way to my bedroom but Ryder spots me and calls out.

"Jaylyn! Where have you been?" Ryder calls out as I walk pass. I stop and shrug. "Come in here!" He grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen, I hold back a hiss at the pain of him touching my hand. "Are you hungry? We made cookies and pizza and cake and cupcakes and mom made lasagna for dinner, which you missed FYI." I look at the food and gulp. It looks so good, I shake my head and my hand subconsciously goes to my stomach.

"I'm not hungry." Barf. My voice is awful.

"You sure?" Yup. But instead of saying this, I nod.

"Whatever, Ryder guess what I have?!" Ajax smiles at Ryder.

"What is it?" Ryder jumps up and down excitedly.

"Oh, you know, just something that you've always wanted." Ajax smirks as he pulls a baby grey Great Dane with mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Aaawwwweeeee! Jax! I love her! What's her name?" Ryder squeals.

"Well he doesn't have a name yet. That's your honor."

"Mm, Chance?" He shakes his head. "No, hum, Max? No, what about Romeo?" He looks up at the others. They all nod.

"Yeah, I like that, baby." Ajax leans down and kisses him.

"Me too," River comes into the room.

"Hm? What-awe you gave it to him without me?" Ashton pouts after he comes out of the bathroom.

"Sorry babes, Ryder named him Romeo." Raven kisses Ashton on the head. I back away slowly, feeling like I was intruding on their personal moment.

Once I am out of sight, I whip around and head to my "bedroom". I walk down to the boys game room and open the door in the far right hand corner. Behind the snack counter, a white door which is covered by a giant fun house mirror that makes you look short. I open the door and walk down the small flight of stairs. It leads to my tiny bedroom. My twin mattress on the floor pressed against the wall. My dresser pushed tightly against my bed. The small closet that doesn't even fit half my clothes is separated from the dresser and my bed by a small amount of space. Then the rest is open space. Which is quite a lot now that I look at it. I could probably fit about half a twin mattress in here.

I climb into bed after grabbing a sweatshirt. It's cold down here, like 20 degrees. After laying in bed for a moment, I don't hear anything. Maybe they'll leave me alone tonight.

"Help us! Please!" I spoke too soon. "Someone stop him please. I beg of you. He's hurting me. Mommy! Make daddy stop!" I curl into a ball.

"They aren't real, they aren't real, they aren't real." I repeat to myself.

"Daddy stop! That hurts! Please don't daddy! Daddy!" The Voice continue to call out. She weeps for hours.

"I can't help you!" I can't take this. I start to breathe heavily as a panic attack takes over. My vision starts to blacken as the room feels as if it is suffocating me. My heart pounds and black spots dance around my eyes and I black out.

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