Chapter Seven

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Pic for later. Pretty isn't it?

Chapter Seven

Jaylyn's POV

"You don't have to stay up with me. Tell them I went to bed right after them. I have homework to do." God what is that hideous noise? Oh that's my voice? No wonder I don't talk.

"No, it's uh, fine. Just come over here. You can't see the tv from over there." He gulps.

I hesitate. He raises a brow. My eyes widen and I quickly jump up before shakily making my way over to him.

"What do you wanna watch?" I shrug to his question. "Well there's The 100, Secret Life of an American Teenager, Merlin, Narnia's, Men in Blacks, The Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Suite life of Zach and Cody on deck-cause face it, you're never too old- Wizards of Waverly place -again you're never too old- or pretty much anything else you want to watch." He shrugs again. "I swear to everything Nancy, that if you don't stop shrugging I'm going to throw you in the pool out back." I gulps.

"I-i don't know. I don't watch much tv." I stutter.

"How can you not watch much tv?" I almost shrug again. "I saw that."

"I don't know. It just doesn't interest me much."

"Well then. The 100 it is. Episode 1 season 1." He presses play and we both sit back watching it.

Sometime around the fifth episode we both have relaxed. He laying with his head in my lap and I'm playing with his hair.

"Bellarke should happen. Like now." He sighs. He's talking about the two main characters, Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin. I nod. He shuts off the tv. "I think we should head to bed now."

I nod again.

"Are we gonna have another issue?" He questions with a teasing smile. I shake my head. "Good. Now, night. See you in the morning." He gets up and walks up stairs.

I get up also but I head to the library. No one knows but there's a bed in there. It's in a hidden compartment. It's where I sleep. I have to get out of The Quiet Place. It scares me so much. There's someone down there. She begs me not to hurt her. I tell her I'm not but she doesn't listen. She just screams and screams.


I wake up bright and early. 5:00 in the morning. Not that early but necessary.

I shower. Do any last minute homework. Eat breakfast, pack my bag and leave for school. My parents are just getting up and my brothers are still asleep.

I arrive at school 37 minutes early. I go to my locker and put away my stuff before heading to the office. After first hour I get my stuff and heading to class. I pull out my math homework and double check it. Oops. One wrong. Number nine. I redo the problem two more times before I get it correct. I quietly applaud myself. I then get out my science report and read over it. Fix a small spelling error and put that away. Then pull out my history homework. A take home quiz. I look it over. Number four I still can't get. Oh! I remember. It was in 1473. (a/n random lol) next item is English. I reread the assigned reading of To Kill a Mocking Jay. Chapter 5-8. Easy peasy lemon squeeze-y

Students start trickling in. I look up at the clock, 7:45. Five minutes till school starts.

I put away my English homework and get out my math stuff. A calculator, ruler, pen, pencil, graph paper, notebook paper and a protractor. You can never be too prepared.

The bell rings and last minute students dash into the room before taking a seat.

"Alright class, I have some news. Settle down, settle down. Okay. So a friend of mine is allowing a few of my class and another teacher, Mr. Brunningham's, classes to go. It's an overnight trip which means you'll need a tent and a sleeping bag. We have school provided ones for the kids who forget or don't have them." My teacher, Mr. Donovan, States. He sends an award winning smile. All the girls sigh and the boys groan.

"So there will be a permission slip being sent home. You'll need a signature from a parent or guardian. The busses will be here at 7 and we'll arrive at 8." Mr. Donovan explains further.

"Where are we going?" One of the boys in the back call out.

"Well he runs a scientific experiment office. Right now they are trying to create artificial potato chips that have less fat in them. So pretty much healthy chips." Mr. Donovan laughs at the look on some of the students faces. "Alright, lets get into today's lesson."

Mr. Donovan explains what we're doing and how to do it. I wasn't really paying attention cause I already did the homework. It was pretty easy.

The bell rings and I head to my next class. English. Then history, science, lunch, art, and band. (My first hour is office work.) A seventh hour is optional. I do it cause I'm in the marching band. (I didn't want to do gym)


Finally, after an eternity, school ends. I walk home with my backpack on my shoulders. My steps faltered as I remember something. The talk.


I'm dead

The talk with dad.


He probably went into my bedroom last night and saw I wasn't in there.

Double shit.

Ooo! Maybe if I don't go home I can avoid it. Yup that's a good idea. I quickly turn to the left and run into the woods. I run until I get to a train station. I ride it till I get to the one place that I call home. The wood cabin my grandparents left me in their will. They didn't want my parents to know about it so the location was writes on a piece of paper inside a small lookalike doll house. It was hidden beneath the floor boards. No one but myself and my grandparents had any idea of where it is.

My grandparents were the only ones who didn't ignore me or see anything wrong with me. They loved me. I didn't get to see them often because of this. They thought what my parents where doing was wrong.

But this cabin. I love this cabin. When I turn 18 I know my parents are going to kick me out. I know it.

So that's why I never told them. I hid the paper with the location. 1567. The 1567th book I read in our library. The original, signed, first edition of Beauty and the Beast.

Ravens POV

8 pm that night

"Have you seen Jaylyn?" Ryder asks me.

"No why?" I question.

"He's not here and I'm worried." Ryder frowns while climbing into my arms.

"Well, did you ask Ashton?" I ask him with a small smile at his cuteness.

"No! I didn't think of that." He smiles brightly at me. I feel happy that I could make him happy. "Ashton?" He calls out.

Ashton comes running in...with a frying pan and a "kiss the chef" apron. We both chuckle at him. "What! Where's the spider!"

"It's on your shoulder." Ashton freaks and starts jumping up and down and takes off his shirt and hits it with the frying pan. "Hehe. There's no spider."

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